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Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

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Carol JulienFirmato: 03:54, 03/01/2016
Kenneth MuiFirmato: 01:10, 03/01/2016
"I am Freeworlder's Point of Contact, a Math and Physics Tutor, and a TA @ Stevens Institute of Technology. I know about science, technology, engineering, renewable anything, and learning for mastery. My Physics and Math Tutoring website: https://www.kmtutoringservices.com/ (I offer free tutoring if you contact me through Freeworlder)"
cary kirastar of the family ellisFirmato: 23:05, 02/01/2016
Mary SchorFirmato: 01:20, 31/12/2015
Denise Baraka LawrenceFirmato: 00:23, 30/12/2015
Karen TomanFirmato: 21:57, 29/12/2015
"Oh what our lives could be: if we shared, if we cared, if we acted. Large and hopeless it may feel, but with patience and action our change will come. A machine runs only because of its individual pieces. If we refuse to work for them and instead work together, We become the machine, no longer the puppets of their machine. You may feel your seemingly small acts do not make an effect; they do. And our actions combined will change the world forever. Don't allow hope to translate into inaction, but do maintain your hope, for there is hope, and it is powerful."
David KillionFirmato: 22:05, 25/12/2015
"Without having read any of the further information, I wholeheartedly and completely agree with these 10 basic principles."
Shane FergussonFirmato: 05:27, 24/12/2015
Nick CarterFirmato: 18:19, 23/12/2015
"I fully support the free world charter"
James HartzogFirmato: 13:35, 23/12/2015
Angel Tinajero Firmato: 07:18, 23/12/2015
Jose GarciaFirmato: 23:47, 20/12/2015
"Sounds like a great possibility, but you need money to promote it. Add a donate button!@!!"
Travis WaackFirmato: 23:05, 20/12/2015
Marty GristFirmato: 12:15, 19/12/2015
"In gratitude for this ray of light and love. Love is all we need. "
Joseph HerbertFirmato: 22:49, 18/12/2015
"1) Three stories available online -- speculative social-fiction for the future: "Reweaving our Human Fabric: Tales from a Nonviolent Future" Imagine a future where all decisions are made by consensus -- based on taking people's needs into account: http://thefearlessheart.org/store/reweaving-our-human-fabric/ by Miki Kashtan of BayNVC. 2) We need a transition plan, to get from capitalism to RBE. How will folks give up their retirement plan -- their security (or perception thereof) -- without an at-least-equally-solid backup plan? http://Copiosis.com provides this transition-implementation that will allow people to give up money, by making a bridge between our current money society and the future RBE (in whatever form it takes)."
Jennifer JohnsonFirmato: 18:48, 17/12/2015
"I fully support this idea. I actually talk about this all the time. I feel so trapped in the society we live in now. I would love for this effort to be made more publicized. "
Larry AbdullahFirmato: 14:08, 17/12/2015
Ilya DashkinFirmato: 19:02, 16/12/2015
Bogdan PidashevFirmato: 04:58, 16/12/2015
"I'm on facebook as: Bogdan Pi. Thank you so much for this moneyLess concept. This would be my Dream come True."
Andrea StrackFirmato: 03:07, 16/12/2015
Jacob StrackFirmato: 02:30, 16/12/2015
"This is the way to freedom. Let's make everything free so we may also live freely. "
tyler schneiderFirmato: 21:12, 14/12/2015
Shawn Powell shawn PowellFirmato: 17:18, 14/12/2015
"Lets make this world beautiful again. "
Bill OakleyFirmato: 02:34, 14/12/2015
Liza RoocroftFirmato: 00:21, 14/12/2015
"This is exactly what is needed! We all must align our way of thinking with these principles if we are to really have a peaceful harmonious abundant world. There is nothing starry eyed about it, it is just common sense really... That is If you're thinking clearly without the biases of the environmental indoctrination of society today. "
Larry HolmFirmato: 21:32, 11/12/2015
"If we have souls, they are made of the love we share, undimmed by time, unbound in cosmic life."
John StrattonFirmato: 05:07, 11/12/2015
"sentient being at Mother Earth our Beloved Pachamama. In service to natural law. ? "
Ronald HayesFirmato: 01:40, 11/12/2015
Chad SolomonFirmato: 06:52, 08/12/2015
"Get rid of money. It causes nothing but problems and disasters and it is unfair."
Bradley-Joseph: Hughes SrFirmato: 03:40, 08/12/2015
Edward JohnsonFirmato: 02:24, 07/12/2015
"Kindness and compassion is our heritage and we deserve a construct that serves our greater interests of being."
Yvonne KesterFirmato: 23:04, 06/12/2015
"I agree and believe that creating a new world system based on these principles is the only way our species will ultimately survive--at least in a way that we would *want* to survive."
Trish MulliganFirmato: 22:43, 06/12/2015
D BurnsFirmato: 01:40, 06/12/2015
Allen ManuelFirmato: 19:51, 05/12/2015
"I advocate a resource based economy not for me but for future generations."
cheryl gordonFirmato: 19:40, 05/12/2015
C PFirmato: 23:20, 04/12/2015
Jesse McCloskeyFirmato: 17:27, 04/12/2015
"Incredible ideas here. This is what we desperately need as inhabitants of the planet that birthed us."
Susan MasonFirmato: 07:38, 04/12/2015
"I have long wanted to live in a society and world such as described in the above principles. It is my hope that even at the age of 61, I will live long enough to see humanity reach critical mass."
Brenda PeddycoartFirmato: 05:42, 04/12/2015
Veronica WaddellFirmato: 19:45, 03/12/2015
"It's always a relief to find like-minded people. May our numbers grow and flourish. "
John MoonFirmato: 03:37, 03/12/2015
Jacob CammackFirmato: 10:42, 02/12/2015
"let's not forget that jesus did not use money. as gandhi says "i like your Christ, i don't like your christians". i could not dare call myself a christian because i am so far removed from being like Christ. i still charge my brothers and sister for goods and services. i am still sloppy in my use of money, often failing to see that what i buy comes from a real place. a sharing economy is the most beautiful thing we could create. i hope and pray that the Open Source movement and it's radical transparency and sharing only grows and grows. everything is fundamentally in the right place. the kingdom of Heaven everyone speaks of...do they use money? i think not. beautiful healthy tribal societies, so much more well adjusted than ourselves, without our neurosis, our jails, our lies, our hyper individualism and our terrible loneliness...did not use money. what right do i have to buy another being? billions of animals are enslaved into holocaustal systems every year. no one really owns anything"
Joshua NavilleFirmato: 08:14, 01/12/2015
Neil WheelerFirmato: 06:03, 01/12/2015
"Most of my life I have recognized the inefficiency and destructive nature of the monetary system but could not elloquently put it into words. Thank you for creating a community that explains every aspect of the problem and possible solutions for it. 6 years ago I was introduced to the Zeitgeist films and feel like I am forever changed. While already amid my own awakening, these films catapulted me towards enlightenment. I believe we are at one of the biggest turning points in human history. A point where we can choose to open our eyes and wake up to the truth and embrace our true potential to solve the dire problems of our time, or one where we collectively decide upon the demise of mankind. Everywhere you turn the destructive nature of the monetary system can be seen. It lies at the foundation of every broken part of society. To effectively solve a problem you attack the source of the problem. Money is the source of our problems. It is my life goal to promote these ten principles."
joshua deubleFirmato: 20:30, 30/11/2015
"I think i found my calling. I have been searching for something that i believed in and i finally found it! Ive been waiting to find this exact group with the same views my whole life."
chelsie ammonsFirmato: 08:04, 30/11/2015
"Just happy to see something being done. "
John LibbyFirmato: 22:52, 29/11/2015
John BellandFirmato: 17:06, 29/11/2015
Matthew AltomaroFirmato: 11:42, 29/11/2015
"Love it. Our current system is completely irrational and a drastic change of some sorts is necessary. We all must realize that we're all fellow humans. We should be living harmoniously together and carrying for each other while also living in union with our mother earth. This dream may be difficult to accomplish, but is very possible. Modern technology has provided us with this opportunity. Thank you Free World Charter for helping promote this cause through action. Much love to all."

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