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Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

Visualizzazione 11,553 firmatari da United States

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Ben KeyFirmato: 17:48, 14/06/2016
Janeth GonzalezFirmato: 17:47, 14/06/2016
Josh PenaFirmato: 17:45, 14/06/2016
"We must migrate to a truly sustainable lifestyle if we are to endure, and the principles outlined here are a good start."
Michael WalshFirmato: 17:34, 14/06/2016
""How about joining forces with the Thrive and Zeitgeist movements? They are also about these same principles and the illogic of money exchange and oppression. The Venus Project maximizes logical and efficient use of Resources. I an developing GlobalCitizen.com; Global Citizenship also espouses the virtues and principles of FreeWorld Charter and must be the bridge between the existing reality and the possible realities we imagine and create. Once thousands of orgs that share these values, then true power and recognition can build the Global Citizen's Movement based on Universal Human Rights, Social Justice and a peaceful, meaningful world that works for everyone and the environment... we must join forces now""
Vickie ReadFirmato: 16:33, 14/06/2016
George GrundFirmato: 16:08, 14/06/2016
"I am hoping that this would included the Ubuntu movement. "
Liz DickerhoffFirmato: 15:05, 14/06/2016
Barbara Barbara VerchotFirmato: 15:04, 14/06/2016
ken Carpenter Firmato: 14:19, 14/06/2016
John DoFirmato: 12:13, 14/06/2016
John DoFirmato: 11:58, 14/06/2016
Amy WarnerFirmato: 07:45, 14/06/2016
Leora LangeFirmato: 02:55, 14/06/2016
"I just want to say to all my brothers and sisters, citizens of this earth, that we can do this! We know that this wonderfully simple situation will eliminate almost all of our current problems in one way or another. The time for evolution is now and we all feel it, we're waking up! It may feel like anything you can do won't change the world but that is a lie. Keep moving forward, you may not feel it but we're all pushing together and more and more of us join the movement every day. Welcome to Evolution!!!"
Stephen RussellFirmato: 02:07, 14/06/2016
"It is wonderful to see that for every mindless idiotout there there are wonderful people such as the founders of this organization. There is still time to save our planet and all of humanity. Your preamble is magnificent and you can expect full and complete support from this Irish revolutionary."
JOE ROBINSONFirmato: 23:37, 13/06/2016
Stephenie ThioubouFirmato: 17:08, 13/06/2016
CassidyAnn NoelFirmato: 07:23, 13/06/2016
"My last name is R0binson- i only sign if this is the vision not our current situation that overwhelms us here on Earth"
Lisa CalzadillasFirmato: 02:30, 13/06/2016
"It is far past time that the rights of animals used for human Amusement,torture, sexual abuse and .consumption and any other area that infringes upon their health and damages their right to life has no legal right to be enabled and supported the countries of this planet. It will be the goals of many to expose and stop this exploitation and torture of our planets creatures of all life-forms that are not human we will do everything in our power to stop you and damage andin every way possible your actions of this nature sign the aware and caring humans that live on this planet you are no longer going to be allowed to continue with this Behavior in any form. By whatever means necessary you will be stopped"
David Benfell Firmato: 05:19, 12/06/2016
Sahil KhanjiFirmato: 21:38, 11/06/2016
Kelley McClureFirmato: 20:49, 11/06/2016
Suzanne SegadyFirmato: 19:44, 11/06/2016
Donald MiningerFirmato: 16:17, 10/06/2016
"I thought I was nuts in my own personal beliefs because, by using my own logic, this Charter is what I came up with. No, I did not have anything to do with writing anything down or creating this actual Charter but by using my common sense this is what I came up with. I'm quite relieved to have come across this magnificent endeavor; it proves I'm not the only one with common sense."
Padrica LawesFirmato: 14:37, 10/06/2016
"I am going to help spread the word. The First World Charter is for the betterment of all humans on this earth. I pray with all my heart that we get enough signatures to put this effort in action. People have suffered enough at the hands of government, corporations & the wealthy. It's time for real positive change!"
Jennifer RichterFirmato: 10:43, 10/06/2016
Felicida PortilloFirmato: 20:59, 09/06/2016
Nancy RobertsFirmato: 05:43, 09/06/2016
Alexander PoulinFirmato: 16:46, 08/06/2016
Randy NeuFirmato: 14:48, 08/06/2016
Darcy MatthewsFirmato: 23:39, 07/06/2016
"Our earth, our mother, needs this charter. Our people of earth need this charter. The only people that I can imagine being opposed to these principles are the very wealthy. For they believe there is a lack of resources and that these goals are only possible if they have to give up what they have accumulated. Let's begin a new chapter in human existence. Let's begin an era of compassion and caring. Let's begin to respect our earth and it's citizens. Let's begin."
Brandon WhiteFirmato: 19:14, 07/06/2016
"Great cause. Accomplishing that through a no-force paradigm just may set the standard."
Mohsen BagheriFirmato: 17:33, 07/06/2016
"Thank you for your beautiful words & works. Please accept my gratitude & appreciation"
Lhyndah BertramFirmato: 14:16, 07/06/2016
Bria SingerFirmato: 06:48, 07/06/2016
John MorwayFirmato: 02:09, 07/06/2016
Kelly StefanoFirmato: 21:49, 06/06/2016
ricky johnsonFirmato: 21:21, 06/06/2016
eric vestalFirmato: 12:28, 06/06/2016
Brad JohnsonFirmato: 18:47, 05/06/2016
"I have always thought money is an unnecessary barrier to the goods and resources required to live and function on this planet. It is simply paper with fancy symbols and people on them. The only value money has is the value people place upon it. I hope that one day people will stop playing the game and put it away for good."
Carol SimpsonFirmato: 16:47, 05/06/2016
"I would add: Our community recognizes the that each person has gifts, which we nurture so they can fulfill their individual purpose which provides contribution to the whole."
Alex WieneckeFirmato: 15:28, 05/06/2016
Nathan FairclothFirmato: 21:29, 04/06/2016
Erin Rae McAuleyFirmato: 21:18, 03/06/2016
"Empathy is the key. An awareness of emotions and intentions is crucial for humankind to survive. There is so much hope. So many are finding themselves awake as never before, ready to acknowledge the lack of connection and compassion currently cultivated by a power structure founded in false wealth. Money is not wealth. Our monetary system enslaves the less fortunate and condemns the planet. Please sign this! Begin anew with the idea that everyone is deserving and capable of love and start by loving yourself. Meditate. Be grateful. Share a smile. Love. "
kateryn lopezFirmato: 20:03, 03/06/2016
jp luebsenFirmato: 14:53, 03/06/2016
Jaclyn BrantFirmato: 07:13, 03/06/2016
Mattina MouyosFirmato: 02:26, 03/06/2016
"" This will be a Utopian society " , a dream come true ..."
Bernadette CrawfordFirmato: 21:22, 02/06/2016
"One for all and all for one. In Unity, there is strength"
Jacqueline LangeveldFirmato: 01:29, 02/06/2016
Jane S WiesnerFirmato: 01:13, 02/06/2016

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