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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 949 signatories from Switzerland

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Edouard SudanSigned: 03:50, 06/11/2015
Philippe MermodSigned: 10:23, 03/11/2015
"trying to address my own tremendous ignorance... well as humanity's"
Cecilia Domenica StuderSigned: 19:15, 01/11/2015
"We are light-beings"
Régis ZimmermannSigned: 13:07, 31/10/2015
Michèle MeierhöferSigned: 21:30, 30/10/2015
Rachel QuarrozSigned: 21:16, 30/10/2015
maxence ferary-berthelotSigned: 10:59, 30/10/2015
Chris VINCENTSigned: 06:57, 30/10/2015
cedric bermanSigned: 06:23, 30/10/2015
"Ce monde nous appartient de plein droit. La charte pour un monde libre (CML) constitue le premier code de conduite fiable connu sur la Terre. Il est vital que chaque personne comprenne cette charte et accepte de la signer. Il est vital que nous maintenions l'ordre sur la terre et dans le système solaire. Il est vital que nous choisissions d'être libres dans un monde sain, sûr, agréable et protégé par chacun de ses habitants. La Suisse est indépendante depuis plus de 700 ans parce que chaque citoyen est préparé à se battre pour la défendre et à travailler volontairement pour la faire prospérer. Si cela fonctionne à l'échelle d'une nation, cela fonctionnera à l'échelle d'un monde. La CML rend les lois caduques et garantit le respect de toute forme de vie. La CML est un code de conduite nécessaire et suffisant, permettant à chaque personne de comprendre comment penser et agir bénéfiquement pour tous. "
André DürigSigned: 22:01, 25/10/2015
Hans Rudolf KneubühlerSigned: 19:11, 29/09/2015
Daniel SlamanigSigned: 12:47, 23/09/2015
"Regain the planet!"
Kay PideritSigned: 21:08, 06/09/2015
nico mayorazSigned: 10:54, 29/08/2015
Audrey CarronSigned: 10:02, 21/08/2015
frank affolterSigned: 10:04, 13/08/2015
Miko HuckoSigned: 21:15, 09/08/2015
Elias NastSigned: 14:51, 04/08/2015
Doris StettlerSigned: 13:18, 22/07/2015
Stefanie StähliSigned: 11:28, 18/07/2015
Maria CasagrandeSigned: 09:14, 14/07/2015
Chiara IkeSigned: 16:08, 11/07/2015
"We should get this message across to people all over the world. This could be the first big step to try and stop all the nonsense going around... Not only money, but also violence, hate, disrespect, stupidity, irresponsibility, wars, crimes, ignorance and human brain washing through sponsors, media and information technology. Enough unnecessary things, enough legalized slavery, let's take our freedom back!"
Yvonne SeebaldSigned: 19:14, 09/07/2015
Marc RuferSigned: 19:08, 09/07/2015
"Gute Sache ... ;)"
Mario PaganoSigned: 06:30, 06/07/2015
"Un mondo libero è ciò per cui tanta gente ha lottato e sacrificato. In tanti stanno cercando di togliersi da queste catene tornando alla natura per autosostenersi. Personalmente sarebbe bello continuare certi studi senza dover rinunciare al mantenimento mio e della mia famiglia...quindi proviamoci! "
Esther SterchiSigned: 09:40, 29/06/2015
Thomas GassSigned: 19:55, 27/06/2015
Alona SchwabSigned: 08:25, 25/06/2015
"Gott segne das System!"
Véronique DelaprazSigned: 09:13, 24/06/2015
"Handle an allen Wesen und an allen Dingen so, wie du an dir gehandelt haben möchtest "
Suncana Pelesk-PuntarecSigned: 04:57, 24/06/2015
Rahel GranjaSigned: 20:19, 22/06/2015
"Ja so soll es sein... ich stimme voll und ganz zu :-)"
Giovanni MauroSigned: 22:36, 19/06/2015
Florian SprengerSigned: 10:58, 16/06/2015
"Just what I was thinking about for a long time. But I couldn't have said it any better! Thanks!"
Marc DebrunnerSigned: 10:36, 16/06/2015
Jonathan SanchezSigned: 08:57, 15/06/2015
Magdalene AdamczykSigned: 18:04, 11/06/2015
Laila CursaroSigned: 18:56, 02/06/2015
Gabriele GoergeSigned: 13:39, 19/05/2015
urs floriamoSigned: 08:49, 10/05/2015
"staying temporarly at this place only, before come from northern italy and going to thailand"
Franziska Bolliger-KurthSigned: 10:00, 31/03/2015
"Vielen herzlichen Dank für eure Arbeit"
Fritz BolligerSigned: 08:46, 31/03/2015
Patric BomioSigned: 19:13, 29/03/2015
Salvatore BenvenutoSigned: 01:12, 20/03/2015
"Abbiamo un progetto per il bene comune che abbiamo sviluppato nel 2011 per favorire l'ecologia e i rapporti sociali. Abbiamo milioni di persone che lo utilizzano su facebook e questo é il nostro sito: Collaboriamo per il bene comune"
bruno looserSigned: 14:36, 08/03/2015
"Gute Idee, bin gerne bereit so etwas zu unterstützen. Dies macht Sinn. Auch wir sind schon im kleinen am umsetzen."
Patrick Canadi Signed: 03:48, 08/03/2015
miriam casottiSigned: 12:22, 27/02/2015
Erin CleasbySigned: 08:26, 11/02/2015
Georg HorvathSigned: 19:27, 07/02/2015
corinne päperSigned: 11:56, 25/01/2015
peter adlerSigned: 18:30, 24/01/2015

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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