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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 1,339 signatories from Spain

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Manuel CrespoSigned: 15:47, 09/12/2013
"We can't refuse to a politic system, I think we should decide some limitations to obtain this free world. This limitations should be set by an assembly. "
ester montiel cortesSigned: 13:18, 09/12/2013
"Beautiful idea, you have all my support "
Andrea OrtegaSigned: 15:18, 07/12/2013
"Let´s make it happen!!!"
Christopher DewsSigned: 22:10, 26/11/2013
"It's time for some 'synergy into action' and for all of us to be part of the solution!"
Sven KnierenschildSigned: 20:47, 20/11/2013
Sonja MorrenSigned: 19:24, 18/11/2013
mark dikkerSigned: 13:43, 18/11/2013
James CartwrightSigned: 23:26, 17/11/2013
massimiliano salamiSigned: 09:58, 23/10/2013
Javier ArocasSigned: 05:10, 19/10/2013
Efrén ModiaSigned: 17:40, 04/10/2013
barbara morenoSigned: 00:21, 02/10/2013
Cristina Masgrau FresnoSigned: 16:52, 01/10/2013
Katy Jiménez SoriaSigned: 16:48, 01/10/2013
Judith Cecilia MasgrauSigned: 21:52, 30/09/2013
"Además de firmar esta Carta por estar totalmente de acuerdo en todos sus puntos, me he unido recientemente al Movimiento Zeitgeist, quien también promueve una Economia Basada en Recursos (EBR)."
MariaGabriela ThySigned: 09:13, 30/09/2013
Rafa Fernández SanzSigned: 10:08, 26/09/2013
Julie RogissartSigned: 10:04, 26/09/2013
Albert SarrocaSigned: 18:37, 19/09/2013
joaquin ginebredaSigned: 11:01, 09/09/2013
"Esta es la única solución global, para pasar de un mundo primitivo injusto y violento, donde prima el egoísmo, a una sociedad global pacifica feliz y desarrollada, en comunión con la naturaleza y el resto de los seres que la habitan. Un verdadero y definitivo salto en la evolución de la humanidad"
Antolín Pérez TorresSigned: 19:12, 05/09/2013
Francisco José Terán GarcinuñoSigned: 16:53, 05/09/2013
patricia lodinSigned: 14:16, 05/09/2013
Javier CuboSigned: 09:52, 05/09/2013
Pascual PinillaSigned: 16:43, 03/09/2013
ruth culshawSigned: 09:30, 02/09/2013
Joachim Dr.SchmittnerSigned: 13:34, 25/08/2013
jesus martos martinezSigned: 15:50, 24/08/2013
"Por una economia basada en recursos, fuera la servidumbre, arriba la autosuficiencia, por un mundo libre arriba la honestidad, solidaridad y respeto, abajo el competitivismo, amor propio o agresividad. Los gobiernos no quieren lo mehor mejor para el pueblo, solo lo mejor para uno mismo y sus queridos, los cuales conforman el pueblo."
Ignacio Fernández RuizSigned: 17:02, 16/08/2013
"It only will take a few years to become a permanent situation here. We have the right to create the best world we can make for ourselves. But there's something that doesn't let us. I want to believe in aliens, but I'm afraid it's gonna be politics."
Nicola BertinSigned: 16:48, 16/08/2013
abraham sanchez blancoSigned: 18:26, 13/08/2013
R. J. N.Signed: 01:26, 07/08/2013
Carlos AnguloSigned: 23:04, 01/08/2013
isabel heylenSigned: 21:52, 01/08/2013
Fulgencio lopezSigned: 22:30, 29/07/2013
"Ojala todos estos sueños se cumplieran algún día, porque seriamos todos más felices de lo que ahora somos. Pero nunca es tarde para comenzar, con esta semilla que tenemos todos que sembrar por el bien de la humanidad. superful "
Alberto HernándezSigned: 22:01, 28/07/2013
"Nothing has ever in my whole life stimulated me more than the practical philosophy of changing everyone's life for better promoted by this movement. My lack of personal initiative made me think for most of my life that something like this could only be a utopia. Now, after connecting to this movement, I'm aware that it's not just possible but also that the world is being unremittingly led to accepting it as the best way of global survival and happiness. The most beautiful movement ever created. "
Nuria Viúdez GarcíaSigned: 20:00, 25/07/2013
sergi gensana lorcaSigned: 20:05, 24/07/2013
Platano SpiritSigned: 17:28, 24/07/2013
"Mundo libre sin dinero en grupos auto suficientes es nuestra nueva forma de vivir. Freie Welt ohne Geld in autarken selbst sorgenden Gruppen ist unsere neue Lebensform. Free World without money in selfsufficient groups is our new lifestyle."
Lola IbáñezSigned: 16:40, 21/07/2013
alberto lopezSigned: 11:23, 21/07/2013
Carolina OñateSigned: 22:56, 20/07/2013
susana del amoSigned: 18:52, 20/07/2013
Montserrat RuizSigned: 11:12, 10/07/2013
Noelle CroninSigned: 15:01, 09/07/2013
Albert TretzeSigned: 12:00, 09/07/2013
Veronica LeandrezSigned: 23:58, 06/07/2013
Catalin ClimSigned: 14:20, 06/07/2013
"Mi forma de pensar es muy parecida a lo expresado en esta carta, tanto me ha impresionado ver que no estoy loco, que hay mas gente que entiende sobre la materia, ver que pensamos igual, que incluso he llorado. Al firmar esta carta no solo me comprometo a aceptar lo expresado en ella, si no en intentar realizar lo que sostiene y defiende, ya sea ahora o en un futuro, mediante mis acciones o los hechos que estas puedan desarrollar."
Dag DaramSigned: 15:35, 22/06/2013
raquel de lucas san gregorioSigned: 08:37, 19/06/2013
"estoy de acuerdo con lo publicado"

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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