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展示 531 簽署人來自 Ireland


Russell Barnett已簽署: 21:50, 10/06/2013
Sara Hogan已簽署: 01:27, 10/06/2013
Michelle Scallan已簽署: 06:15, 08/06/2013
derek crowley已簽署: 14:53, 27/05/2013
Stewart Dollery已簽署: 19:35, 24/05/2013
Brendan Cummins已簽署: 10:34, 17/05/2013
"I believe an end to the current monetary system and meritocracy (Where one Human is valued over another or even species) is the answer to the worlds fear. This movement woke up something primal and happy in me. I just hope this becomes mainstream thinking. A world without money would be a world without fear."
Sandra O'Donovan已簽署: 14:23, 16/05/2013
Irene Boles已簽署: 06:48, 16/05/2013
Eoin O'Sullivan已簽署: 08:57, 15/05/2013
David Boland已簽署: 00:46, 15/05/2013
Joanna Gore已簽署: 23:16, 14/05/2013
Miguel Ahmed已簽署: 18:23, 14/05/2013
John Roche已簽署: 11:37, 07/04/2013
Michelle barrett 已簽署: 20:53, 04/04/2013
Pavel Peev已簽署: 14:34, 04/04/2013
"Love-Peace & Light Namaste Love you :) "
Agnieszka Loska已簽署: 22:47, 01/04/2013
Gabriel Donohoe已簽署: 00:04, 29/03/2013
"You are a child of the universe, No less than the trees and the stars; You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. From DESIDERATA by Max Ehrmann"
James Frawley已簽署: 02:08, 28/03/2013
"I could not agree more with each and every word of this charter. It represents a great revolution in human social thinking and the birth of human social responsibility."
Eddy Blake已簽署: 20:35, 27/03/2013
"I'm from a middle class family in Ireland. I have been well off for the past 10 years of my life and have seen my parents work there arses off to get where they are now. They are both brilliant, commented and hard working people and maybe wouldn't have met if the industry they are in didn't exist. The only reason I'm doing what I love in college is because of these two people. I think this is the best thing to do for our plant and everything on it. It would save the hard working people of the world the hardship of working a job they rarely enjoy and focus on something they always wanted to do them selfs. Peace, Love and Happiness for all!!!"
Andrew Selivjorstovs已簽署: 12:39, 27/03/2013
"Money are man made. All the problems which are caused by money are man made. It really is, one, big enough public opinion can turn the World around. "
Cian McCorley已簽署: 11:12, 27/03/2013
"I have argued this very point for years. For me it's the only logical way to move forward."
Michelle McQuaid已簽署: 22:55, 26/03/2013
Krzysztof Orłowski已簽署: 08:12, 26/03/2013
"Nareszcie ! Doczekałem się.W końcu jest coś,pod czym mogę się podpisać ze spokojnym sumieniem,satysfakcją, radością i czystym Sercem. Dziękuję."
Teresa Mulholland已簽署: 16:04, 23/03/2013
Gary Lynch已簽署: 15:27, 23/03/2013
Denise Hogan已簽署: 14:45, 23/03/2013
Mary McMahon已簽署: 17:24, 04/03/2013
Dec O'Farrell已簽署: 17:29, 02/03/2013
Gavin Kaar已簽署: 19:44, 24/02/2013
barry fitzgerald已簽署: 17:13, 24/02/2013
William Mitchell已簽署: 00:44, 23/02/2013
Brandon Mitchell已簽署: 03:11, 22/02/2013
"Free world now is the only way forward and to be truly happy "
JohnSean Lawlor已簽署: 20:55, 19/02/2013
"Bravo... but... where are the links to the examples of moneyfree living that must be surfacing.."
Kevin Perry已簽署: 16:58, 16/02/2013
"I agree to a World without money, but my question is as follows: What is being done about this, are we just paying lip service. Why can we start somewhere and show people how it can be done. Ireland is a small country with a small population of 4.5 million. This could be done here, because our country is bankrupt, even if we started in a small town or area. I would join the group. I want my children to live in a money free world. Thank You"
Alexandra Rodrigues已簽署: 13:03, 15/02/2013
"Amazing and beautiful concepts that would make the world much better, still, is it possible to implement such a balanced system? I believe so, with a huge change of mentality. Keep up the good work."
Astrid Astrid Adler已簽署: 20:18, 07/02/2013
Carol Marjara已簽署: 19:07, 03/02/2013
Frank Van den Broeck已簽署: 02:46, 15/01/2013
"It's a daunting task ahead of us, and it's easy to lose heart living in the shadow of the present day corporate moloch. There is no doubt in my mind that many people will lose their life in this struggle, but the choices are clear. Slavery or Progress. I have a question for you though, one that everyone seems to be afraid of asking. What shall we do when the assassins start shooting everybody? Non violence is admirable, but may be unsustainable. Please share your thoughts."
Eric McDonnell已簽署: 18:31, 14/01/2013
"United we stand!!!"
Graham Rea已簽署: 01:07, 11/01/2013
David Savage已簽署: 11:18, 10/01/2013
eoin delaney已簽署: 01:18, 10/01/2013
"Hello, My name is Eoin and I'm from Dublin, Ireland. I am fascinated by the whole idea of a moneyless system, I am currently working as a SME specialist in one of the few remaining Irish Banks. I mostly agree with the charter but have some reservations around the continuing of the growth in technology without basic incentive, why should these large company's producing these fantastic innovations continue to do so with out basic monetary incentive. I know for sure communism didn't work, socialism didn't work and the free market capitalism system has done a huge amount for global growth but it seems broken. There must be a better way, please put me in touch with like minded people like the commentator. I have searched out for people in the Zeitgeist movement to discuss the potential crisis and solutions. Kind Regards, Eoin Delaney 00353 852795273 "
Bridget Vance已簽署: 14:04, 09/01/2013
Michael Vance已簽署: 01:43, 09/01/2013
"How do I become involved now? I am an artist/ poet studying in DIT and the focus of my work has recently begun to explore the issues raised here. Much warmth."
Paul Campbell 已簽署: 19:20, 27/12/2012
"This needs to happen ASAP "
Conor Crotty已簽署: 21:06, 16/12/2012
Cian Magill已簽署: 19:52, 12/12/2012
"This world has come to an unbearable point , i completely agree that we are all one and that fucking bastards are killing mother nature ,, materialism, distractions , the system is not the way life is meant to be , and what does it come down to ? 1 percent of the worlds population owning everything !!! they don't know what poverty is , but if we didn't have money how would people be motivated and not just start being corrupt?"
Hannah Fahey已簽署: 21:39, 05/12/2012
Brice Le Comte已簽署: 13:35, 05/12/2012
Brian Farrell已簽署: 13:17, 26/11/2012

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