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eoin delaney已簽署: 01:18, 10/01/2013
"Hello, My name is Eoin and I'm from Dublin, Ireland. I am fascinated by the whole idea of a moneyless system, I am currently working as a SME specialist in one of the few remaining Irish Banks. I mostly agree with the charter but have some reservations around the continuing of the growth in technology without basic incentive, why should these large company's producing these fantastic innovations continue to do so with out basic monetary incentive. I know for sure communism didn't work, socialism didn't work and the free market capitalism system has done a huge amount for global growth but it seems broken. There must be a better way, please put me in touch with like minded people like the commentator. I have searched out for people in the Zeitgeist movement to discuss the potential crisis and solutions. Kind Regards, Eoin Delaney 00353 852795273 "


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