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展示 531 簽署人來自 Ireland


Boleslaw Szepielewicz已簽署: 10:55, 03/09/2016
Olivia Byrne已簽署: 11:29, 25/08/2016
Mary VERNON已簽署: 12:45, 24/08/2016
karen collins已簽署: 23:22, 20/08/2016
John Shanahan已簽署: 01:43, 24/07/2016
"Don't really know how you could go about this. I'm sure the transition itself even if it were ever to happen would become violent, a lot of people are greedy. It seems like an entirely new era of mankind, I'm not sure if the global population is capable of the conciousness shift required to embrace a world without money. "
Fabio Lunardi已簽署: 21:36, 15/06/2016
Thomas Harding已簽署: 11:02, 15/06/2016
"Sadly, this Shangri La that we aspire to is but a mirage as long as that tiny minority in the evil Cabal that currently pull all strings are alive. When we cut off their heads their mindlees minions might then be forced to act more rationally and help instead of hinder our precious planetary jewel to prosper rather than suffocate in this current miasma of evil greed."
Ciarán Neville已簽署: 14:47, 08/06/2016
"I personally feel trapped by today's society. It feels like there is a constant battle between people, fairness and greed and the self-justification of individuals greed. I think this is the fundamental flaw in current politics. I like to think of it from a management position, where the manager comes to his employees and says " sorry everyone I know you are struggling to feed your family but I had to get the new BMW” or the politician who says “I worked hard to get here I deserve the perks it’s your choice not to work as hard as me” even when he is supposed to be representing the people not himself. I believe in a future with 7 Billion politicians together making changes and doing what is best for everyone with no monetary system to enslave us."
Stephen Murphy已簽署: 19:12, 06/06/2016
"It's only a matter of time. Viva le free world charter. "
peter peter mcconville已簽署: 14:56, 24/05/2016
"we need to unlearn"
Mark Fitzmaurice 已簽署: 13:20, 24/05/2016
Niall Donohoe已簽署: 11:18, 16/05/2016
Aleksandra Michalik已簽署: 21:36, 13/05/2016
Marika O'Connor已簽署: 14:48, 28/04/2016
"It is hard to disagree with these principles BUT I would still need to understand how we uncouple ourselves from the capitalist system. This has clearly boxed itself into an unsustainable corner."
Regan Heavey已簽署: 15:36, 27/04/2016
Bernadette Smart已簽署: 15:09, 25/04/2016
Daniel Donovan已簽署: 13:59, 11/04/2016
Ana Jurjevic已簽署: 12:11, 03/03/2016
Garry O'Reilly已簽署: 21:03, 02/03/2016
David Quinn已簽署: 10:18, 18/02/2016
Elke Jestädt已簽署: 10:11, 29/01/2016
Samantha Hayes已簽署: 14:34, 18/01/2016
"Free your mind to the idea of a free world"
Gavin Mc Cabe已簽署: 10:22, 04/01/2016
ANTHONY WHELAN已簽署: 00:00, 03/01/2016
Denis O Brien已簽署: 18:36, 26/12/2015
Stephen O'Mahony已簽署: 12:55, 09/12/2015
marie petrak已簽署: 12:40, 13/11/2015
Leo Mc Loughlin已簽署: 13:59, 22/08/2015
Marjan Wouda已簽署: 08:05, 28/07/2015
Deborah Connolly已簽署: 19:59, 12/07/2015
Fintáin Molloy已簽署: 08:59, 11/07/2015
Barbara Stachon已簽署: 22:40, 10/07/2015
Kern McCarthy已簽署: 20:48, 26/06/2015
Burt Bassit已簽署: 23:11, 15/06/2015
Geoff Brennan已簽署: 21:52, 26/05/2015
Malachy McCormack已簽署: 20:46, 20/05/2015
"An inevitable step in order for humanity to survive, let alone flourish. The sooner we make the transition the better."
Francis Daly已簽署: 17:58, 12/05/2015
Ashley Boland 已簽署: 14:06, 27/04/2015
Stephen Brady 已簽署: 08:29, 09/03/2015
Peter Behan已簽署: 20:50, 28/02/2015
"I dream of a world where unity for all out weighs the unity of the few, where power and greed are no longer a need and everyone shares and helps cause they can, where the earth is our home and land is to stand no flag or boarders to keep us divided, a true and free society where knowledge and science banish ignorance and superstition, where we can all live in peace with enough for all to eat, this and much more is my simple little dream."
Bertalan Csizmas已簽署: 19:48, 25/02/2015
"Let's do it now!!!"
Sali Mafo已簽署: 01:11, 10/02/2015
"A wonderful charter. For many years now I have been thinking this way,it's time to say that European civilization has destroyed humanity?"
Derek Clabby已簽署: 00:54, 10/02/2015
"There is no mountain high enough that we cannot climb, we'll keep on trying. "
lisa egan已簽署: 21:43, 09/02/2015
Gerald O'Connor已簽署: 19:21, 09/02/2015
"What a beautiful world this is "
Sara Cooke已簽署: 20:10, 01/02/2015
Jennifer Connolly已簽署: 01:00, 26/01/2015
Laura Keogj已簽署: 00:16, 16/01/2015
Ciarán Connolly已簽署: 18:37, 03/01/2015
greg kane已簽署: 16:58, 03/01/2015

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