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展示 531 簽署人來自 Ireland


Dr. Robert Fourie已簽署: 13:05, 30/04/2011
Joe Hetherington已簽署: 23:36, 29/04/2011
Paul Harte已簽署: 22:40, 29/04/2011
niall mcdomhniall已簽署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Crush the banks, make people equal again "
JEAN MELIA已簽署: 20:41, 26/04/2011
Chris Conway 已簽署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Joanne O'Neill已簽署: 12:00, 24/04/2011
Janelle Sommerville已簽署: 13:42, 23/04/2011
"Now we're talking"
claire knowles已簽署: 21:17, 20/04/2011
"I CANT WAIT ......... X"
Karen Harper已簽署: 20:08, 20/04/2011
"It is so simple it seems too easy, let do it! Thnak you for putting this together, and I look forward to it being implemented. When you look at how things are done now and ask people if they would agree to it then you would see how ridiculous our system is now. Well done, crystal clear....simply genius infact"
Andrew McNeive已簽署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"This is great "
Jo Murphy已簽署: 11:15, 15/04/2011
"Count me in! I've been dreaming of this for a long time"
Joanna Gore已簽署: 22:42, 13/04/2011
Borys Kuczkowski已簽署: 15:49, 13/04/2011
"The essential points are included, would like to add that only TRUSTED and TESTED and safe methods of food production can be considered. Any introduction of new method should be implemented only when thoroughly tested over few generations of organisms. Thank You, lets do this"
derek jenkinson已簽署: 00:31, 12/04/2011
Paul Granaghan已簽署: 22:24, 08/04/2011
Ellen Fox已簽署: 15:41, 08/04/2011
"I choose love over fear"
maria leahy已簽署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Przemyslaw Depta已簽署: 18:12, 05/04/2011
Tim Daly已簽署: 09:32, 03/04/2011
"For most of my six decades of life I've advocated what I call a "Gene Roddenberry future" free of racism, money and war. Now, with corporate CEOs and others amongst the obscenely wealthy grabbing yet more for themselves as everyone else suffers, I'm happy the find a movement that mirrors what I have always held to be true"
margaret shanley已簽署: 13:56, 02/04/2011
Daria Michalska已簽署: 12:52, 17/05/2011
oliver cabey已簽署: 20:33, 30/03/2011
antoinette cronogue已簽署: 22:36, 29/03/2011
"i love the idea of barter of trade, we are all one and crete our reality with our mind and we are all equal, thanks for your lovely contribution to the world xx"
Patrick McCabe已簽署: 20:04, 28/03/2011
"Very well put, concise and to the point. To anyone who finds any of these principals unpaletable I ask you, why would you choose to remain in a world of suffering, division, racism, greed, war, environmental destruction and hopelessness when you can solve all these so simply. Are all your personal possesions and your sense of "ownership" so important to you"
Cormac Montague已簽署: 15:22, 28/03/2011
Stephen Mullally已簽署: 01:14, 28/03/2011
Marie-Valerie Jeantelot已簽署: 06:05, 27/03/2011
"Let's do this thing"
Gavin James Brady已簽署: 04:46, 27/03/2011
"Peace and Harmony <3"
Beth Wallace已簽署: 19:49, 26/03/2011
Dave Morrissey已簽署: 19:25, 26/03/2011
"Do no harm, but take no shit"
David Lewis已簽署: 16:53, 26/03/2011
Carol Marjara已簽署: 16:38, 26/03/2011
niall o'brien已簽署: 10:22, 26/03/2011
Jyoti Sharyn Cunneen已簽署: 21:20, 25/03/2011
"This concept is based in love and freedom. I consent to love and freedom for myself and all people of the earth. Thank you"
Luke Byrne已簽署: 21:08, 25/03/2011
niall johansson已簽署: 19:53, 25/03/2011
aidan killian已簽署: 19:34, 25/03/2011
"truth love and joy"
Erik Johansson已簽署: 17:14, 25/03/2011
Andrzej Filipiński已簽署: 15:22, 25/03/2011
Niall O'Neill已簽署: 23:36, 24/03/2011
Michael O'Flynn已簽署: 23:17, 24/03/2011
"I've long held to the notion that our lifestyle of endless toil just couldn't be right, especially when we have the means to avoid it"
James Loney已簽署: 20:42, 24/03/2011
India Roger已簽署: 19:29, 24/03/2011
"I hope I live to see the day where humanity will be free of the chains of money, and will care for one another without boundaries"
Matthew Fader已簽署: 18:49, 24/03/2011
"Finally something positive we can do about this world that only seems to be falling apart around us. "Come on humanity WE CAN DO IT"
Ivan Nagib已簽署: 17:38, 24/03/2011
"It's a simple and a totally viable alternative, if we think with both our heads AND hearts, it can be done! And we're finally starting to use our hearts also to collectively yeah, we can do this"
Peter McCartney已簽署: 17:14, 24/03/2011
Brian Twomey已簽署: 16:00, 24/03/2011
Diarmuid Russell已簽署: 14:45, 24/03/2011
"Brilliant, now to deal with all the greedy B******s"

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