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Het Vrije Wereld Handvest

"Laten we alles en iedereen vrij maken"

Weergeven 11,553 handtekeningen uit United States

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Paul BowenGetekend: 02:49, 16/10/2020
Marcy RingnessGetekend: 03:47, 11/10/2020
Ronald Montes Getekend: 19:53, 07/10/2020
William RegisterGetekend: 22:30, 06/10/2020
"I see this as tge obvious way forward."
Jamie EdwardsGetekend: 15:46, 25/09/2020
Amber BeauchampGetekend: 00:49, 24/09/2020
Sharon LorraineGetekend: 09:38, 21/09/2020
Candance Toscano Getekend: 13:54, 14/09/2020
Timber AmiscuaGetekend: 07:07, 08/09/2020
Abel ViveroGetekend: 19:26, 06/09/2020
Abel DngrGetekend: 18:46, 06/09/2020
Francesca SpinelliGetekend: 17:20, 31/08/2020
Thomas RollandGetekend: 21:17, 26/08/2020
Nichole LivingstonGetekend: 16:22, 24/08/2020
Adam SoulGetekend: 23:52, 18/08/2020
"I have the perception that money is a poison. Poison explains why we've destroyed our own world. Being under the influence of a poison also removes the blame."
Karen Jeffers-TracyGetekend: 16:00, 16/08/2020
"I'm a climate educator and librarian. This is a necessary step, and there are many thinkers working on this. Here's another one:"
Jamie EwartGetekend: 12:07, 15/08/2020
Donna MaddoxGetekend: 11:20, 15/08/2020
עוז שטיינמץGetekend: 15:19, 10/08/2020
Haltom Family Ministries and ConsultantsGetekend: 04:24, 08/08/2020
"__A NEW SOCIAL CONTRACT__ "While rearing and homeschooling our children, our family serves in devotion to herald and help to usher-in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. A growing awakening into awareness about bigger, higher, and more awesome possibilities for all humankind and the planet shall remain our primary focus." "We use and share applications, modes and methods of greater organization for engaging in collaborative consumption and free-sharing done from within an alternative, open-access, resource-based-economic structure centered around volunteerism, cooperation, and social cohesion." "To those who may be ready to exit the competition-for-profits matrix of deception, domination, artificial scarcity, and malevolent control, we happily welcome to the future with a new and improved social contract together with the means for active participation in various kinds of social-innovation and altruistic connectivity. Our image should be a symbol for excellence and interdepende"
Brett Glanders Getekend: 18:17, 05/08/2020
Joe smithGetekend: 21:48, 02/08/2020
"may freedom and the communal harmony of all humans , and all life on planet earth , prevail ! may all be freely available to every human on planet earth ! "
Ellen MorganGetekend: 06:59, 22/07/2020
Mike VickGetekend: 21:00, 19/07/2020
"I am a libertarian socialist and a theologically conservative evangelical Christian. These ideas are quite appealing to me. Thank you for sharing them. I will do the same."
DANIEL TWEDTGetekend: 07:43, 19/07/2020
"Connecting our Permaculture Projects with a Humane Rights Greenway Trail interconnection Corridor is the mission of"
Dawn WillsonGetekend: 08:08, 12/07/2020
Thomas TownsendGetekend: 03:54, 12/07/2020
Karey Ann MarkovichGetekend: 16:50, 11/07/2020
Eric MacapagalGetekend: 13:41, 11/07/2020
K8lyn WattleGetekend: 20:19, 09/07/2020
"YouAreLove. LoveisFree. YouAreFree."
Seth ChandreaGetekend: 14:53, 09/07/2020
"Mahalo. Peace is a fire. Spark. Spark."
Nicholas KrezekGetekend: 09:03, 09/07/2020
Joshua JeromeGetekend: 10:33, 07/07/2020
Thomas TownsendGetekend: 03:42, 07/07/2020
"Copiosis may be a system to facilitate the world of our imagining."
Catherine MichelsGetekend: 13:53, 01/07/2020
john ashleyGetekend: 19:33, 30/06/2020
Yvonne GordonGetekend: 17:49, 30/06/2020
"I am just interested to understand this more, but I am too old to participate other than helping to promote this information:"
Joshua EwenGetekend: 08:14, 28/06/2020
Chris ScottGetekend: 04:42, 26/06/2020
Day WaterburyGetekend: 17:29, 25/06/2020
Matt OffolterGetekend: 21:39, 23/06/2020
Trinity ReaganGetekend: 18:29, 22/06/2020
Tim SchreckhiseGetekend: 11:23, 22/06/2020
Bobby HavensGetekend: 23:54, 21/06/2020
Seth ClasbyGetekend: 05:51, 11/06/2020
Chris StevensGetekend: 11:21, 05/06/2020
Teneka WilliamsGetekend: 15:42, 01/06/2020
Breanna SeithGetekend: 20:26, 28/05/2020
Bruce SchumanGetekend: 15:03, 28/05/2020
"Beautiful -- let's develop ways to collaborate!"
Carole PhilippeGetekend: 18:28, 27/05/2020

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