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Het Vrije Wereld Handvest

"Laten we alles en iedereen vrij maken"

Peter AnastasovGetekend: 17:22, 01/05/2012
"Everyone must have a right of private home and nobody doesnt have a right to enter in someones home without the permission of the owner! Everything outside of the private homes should be shared with the whole humanity and other earth species! Nobody has a right to control others, their lives and their resources, nobody has a right of leadership and all the problems should be solved by all the community members (over 18 years old) with the use of scientific method, consensus and open debates! The human community must be open, with no classified information, everyone must have 24/7 acess to every information, except the private information of the individuals Everyone has to have a freedom to believe and use any religion/teaching as long as he doesent harm anyone Everyone has the right to use any drugs/other things as long as he doesnt harm others"

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