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Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

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David RobertsonFirmato: 11:07, 19/05/2013
Jackie PughFirmato: 08:31, 19/05/2013
Edward SacaFirmato: 00:00, 19/05/2013
Jackie BiggsFirmato: 22:45, 18/05/2013
Alec JamesFirmato: 21:15, 18/05/2013
"My beliefs summed up. "
Richard HoltFirmato: 21:03, 18/05/2013
"Would be great to live in a less/non corrupt world"
Cathetine GirdwoodFirmato: 16:50, 18/05/2013
barry john austinFirmato: 14:40, 18/05/2013
Julia BedfordFirmato: 08:50, 18/05/2013
"We have taken from the planet for too long with out giving back and all in the name of profit. It is time for us and the world to not be seen as commodities and audiences for sale. There is more to living than this. Love yourself and the planet. "
Chris KitchenerFirmato: 08:39, 18/05/2013
Nick Williams Firmato: 07:51, 18/05/2013
Justin James BurghardFirmato: 18:50, 17/05/2013
"As soon as possible please!"
ADAM MONROFirmato: 16:38, 17/05/2013
"The masses believe they need a leader, someone they have never met nor likely ever will. This is because their beliefs are not their own but the ideologies of the very people that enforce these beliefs. Bankers, corporations and governments, in that hierarchical order, are the enforcers of these beliefs which are made up solely to coerce the public, via mass media of all kinds, into accepting this ideology as their own. This is nothing less than brainwashing or conscious manipulation of the masses and is well documented! Try searching the web for Edward Bernays. To know The Free World Charter can work is simply a matter of taking back your thoughts and beliefs as yours and yours alone and mentally 'walking away' from the forced ideology of money! I used to 'believe' that a resource based economy could work. Now, after years of research I just KNOW it can!"
Jamie mortonFirmato: 13:55, 17/05/2013
Matthew CattermoleFirmato: 13:21, 17/05/2013
Alexander RogersonFirmato: 13:04, 17/05/2013
Lorraine DaviesFirmato: 12:50, 17/05/2013
"no provision has been made for freedom of expression for all individuals to practise a spiritual path of choice, without fear of harm or persecution. no individual should be forced to follow any spiritual path not of his/her choice. no spiritual path or practise should endanger the well-being and sovreignty of any individual or group of individuals"
reka kriegFirmato: 11:38, 17/05/2013
Nursel Nursel DarrouxFirmato: 11:18, 17/05/2013
Rachel PenningtonFirmato: 10:46, 17/05/2013
"So exciting to see something like this. It gives me hope that others feel the same as I do that capitalism is a destructive force for humaity and that there are other options regardless of what we are told so that we dont have to live in a world of vast and unfair inequality! "
Michael PettingerFirmato: 09:46, 17/05/2013
ieuan sharpFirmato: 09:31, 17/05/2013
"This vision is a reality, some of us people are already forcing it into place, some of us see the so-called leaders of this world, as nothing more than corrupt money grabbing land grabbing, war mongering leaches on the human race, which is a true blight and disease that needs eradicating. I would suggest people at least try supporting something that is an ideal for a better world, if they want real change that is. The only controversial (as it may be) misconception that would need be considered carefully in disability... i.e it depends on the severity of disability, and how well they could live, and enjoy life, otherwise we should not be trying to keep alive what nature has decided is not capable, otherwise it contravenes principle 1 "We are IN nature - not outside or above it." saving what shouldn't in reality be saved, is as bad as to act ABOVE NATURE, and an act of unwillingness to let go, which is exactly at present what society believes and does and is not of benefit. "
Caroline MusgroveFirmato: 08:57, 17/05/2013
"With a world like this there could be a shift in worldwide consciousness. People will begin to loose a grip of their self-cherishing thoughts and actions and will instead begin to focus on benefiting others. With a world like this there can be no hate, jealousy, anger, fear and no attachment. The world will become free and the people in it free to be happy :-)"
Joseph McloughlinFirmato: 07:13, 17/05/2013
Árainn HawkerFirmato: 00:09, 17/05/2013
Árainn JustinFirmato: 23:48, 16/05/2013
" I am you and you are me."
Tom O'MalleyFirmato: 23:45, 16/05/2013
"This is the very concept that I have been telling people about for years, but got the usual tumble-weed reaction. It is comforting to know that I am not alone. It is up to us to spread this info... Now!"
Andy YoungFirmato: 23:42, 16/05/2013
Sophia VitsaidesFirmato: 23:39, 16/05/2013
Elide JobFirmato: 21:34, 16/05/2013
Steve ConwayFirmato: 21:13, 16/05/2013
"If this ever happened then my children - and their children - could fulfil their true potential as beautiful, peaceful, honest and creative human beings, (which I'm sure they will anyway!), without all the distractions of being a wage slave for life! Probably too late for their tired and cynical Dad though :("
Samanta SewrajFirmato: 19:47, 16/05/2013
"Happy at the thought that this could one day be a reality! :)"
Alison McCowanFirmato: 19:34, 16/05/2013
"I would like this to become normality in this world but unfortunately we need to stop the unbelievable greed of some people before we can live this way! "
mitchell brooksFirmato: 19:15, 16/05/2013
Raven AlexandaFirmato: 19:06, 16/05/2013
Lawrence McCambridge-AudiniFirmato: 19:06, 16/05/2013
Bridie Richardson Firmato: 18:46, 16/05/2013
"I may be 17years old but even I can see the mess the world is turning into. Everyone has the right to be equal and no one deserves to live in poverty. We should work because we want to help rather than doing it for money. A world without money is a safer, fairer and more educated world."
martin smythFirmato: 17:56, 16/05/2013
Angie JoelFirmato: 17:55, 16/05/2013
"With national debts that would take hundreds of years to repay, enslaving people for survival, for the good of an elite few, abolishing money makes utter sense. However, how would the sharing of resources be policed and fairness ensured? In principle, I agree with and support the Charter. But I do believe that many need to make quite a mental leap to be able to carry this through with responsibility and compassion."
Nicki haslamFirmato: 17:53, 16/05/2013
Keith ValentineFirmato: 17:29, 16/05/2013
"I agree on the basis of these 10 rules but also a lot of questions about the complexity etc.. Before committing myself entirely. "
Connie MenzelFirmato: 17:17, 16/05/2013
Gabriele RucinskaiteFirmato: 15:49, 16/05/2013
TESSA WINNARDFirmato: 15:43, 16/05/2013
Barry CowanFirmato: 15:19, 16/05/2013
Kamile SerstkovaFirmato: 14:48, 16/05/2013
Rachel BergstromFirmato: 14:28, 16/05/2013
steven lawesFirmato: 14:24, 16/05/2013
amy mcpheeFirmato: 14:24, 16/05/2013
Silke SchmidtFirmato: 14:10, 16/05/2013

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