Diventa un sostenitore del mondo libero

Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

Ann HornFirmato: 16:43, 23/09/2014
"Great principles. The new science discoveries in quantum physics indicate how our world is made from thought. These are great thoughts and uplifting to have. Perhaps some consideration can be given to that in education for all ages. So to bring about this new world community, our thoughts and happy imagining will allow us to relax more and expect manifestation. Perhaps. We acknowledge the mess we've made of things, by believing we can do it all without God. Where is God anyway? Within, its said. Not in our thoughts, although these inclusive thoughts may be Her/His/The guidance. It is certainly time for trust in that Loving Power within which must be common to all. That is the lesson. feels right and uplifting I hope we can know we're on the right track. to show us the way,"

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