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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 833 signatories from Portugal

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Fábio OliveiraSigned: 23:06, 29/04/2011
"É tempo de olhar-mos para o que o futuro nos pode dar e não com o que temos no presente"
Silvia BarbosaSigned: 23:04, 29/04/2011
Pedro SantosSigned: 23:02, 29/04/2011
Filipe NogueiraSigned: 22:51, 29/04/2011
André Pires PereiraSigned: 22:38, 29/04/2011
"It may not be perfect, but it's a start"
Bruno Daniel da Silva VasconcelosSigned: 22:26, 29/04/2011
"Self-empowerment is the key. Downsize human comunities to a sustainable level, one that allows all people to participate actively on every comunal decision"
Carlos EduardoSigned: 22:17, 29/04/2011
"we must abolish the money system, so we can continue evolving eficiently as a specie"
Tiago JesusSigned: 22:09, 29/04/2011
Joana RibeiroSigned: 21:49, 29/04/2011
Ivo CostaSigned: 21:47, 29/04/2011
Gonçalo SilvaSigned: 06:48, 26/04/2011
Luis FerrazSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Joao FerroSigned: 12:17, 22/04/2011
"Hello all, i believe that in further documents you should give more importance to alternative education, how to make the transition, inter-state relations, and how to deal with ignorance, violence, greed, etc. Best regards"
Jose Carlos Jose CarlosSigned: 01:17, 21/04/2011
"Building heaven on earth . What better challenge 4 the Human Being and we got to a point where we have the tools to do it"
Vasco GasparSigned: 12:59, 19/04/2011
Luis AnjosSigned: 17:58, 17/04/2011
Helder CapeloSigned: 14:37, 17/04/2011
joao lourencoSigned: 22:48, 16/04/2011
"Let's free the world"
catherine ferrandSigned: 20:32, 16/04/2011
"We are one planet"
Rui JorgeSigned: 01:13, 16/04/2011
Nuno BoalhosaSigned: 18:15, 15/04/2011
Ricardo RosaSigned: 17:04, 15/04/2011
Ricardo DionísioSigned: 13:08, 15/04/2011
"I live in Portugal and now the situation is very bad all because we live in a system with Money! Everyday people lost their jobs; some of them don’t have money to buy food, clothes for themselves and for the family. The prices just go up and the salaries are the same. The minimum salary in Portugal is 470 euros, try to imagine to pay all you need with that. House, electricity, water, fuel, food, clothes, etc… it’s kinda impossible! We have now the FMI here and like our Government what they do? Nothing, just care about money. It’s time to change"
Daniel MoreiraSigned: 22:56, 14/04/2011
Jose CostaSigned: 23:39, 13/04/2011
Rogério FilipeSigned: 13:32, 13/04/2011
"Paz e amor = Justiça"
z luisSigned: 22:40, 12/04/2011
"its only a choice between fear and love"
Pedro SilvaSigned: 11:14, 12/04/2011
"Please support The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement"
Paula NevesSigned: 18:06, 10/04/2011
Jorge SoaresSigned: 12:42, 10/04/2011
Soraia MendesSigned: 00:47, 10/04/2011
Francisco SerraSigned: 22:34, 09/04/2011
"I agree with all these principles and, besides, I have them present at all times, in order to contribute to a better, more just and sustainable world"
Monica FernandesSigned: 15:19, 09/04/2011
André OliveiraSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Miguel JudasSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
António RodriguesSigned: 02:21, 06/04/2011
Luciano CostaSigned: 01:26, 05/04/2011
"the true utopia is to live in these societies. and not fight for a better world (: money = no evolucion"
Pedro DavidSigned: 22:01, 04/04/2011
Pedro MiguelSigned: 17:58, 03/04/2011
"I yearn for that moment where we all live in peace and abundance of primary goods! Thanks"
Teresa BalesterosSigned: 16:56, 03/04/2011
Filipe MirandaSigned: 06:58, 03/04/2011
"Feel good for being alive at this moment of time. Do what you wanna do but do it consciously ,without invading other people's privacy, and never forget that you have the power to attract good things or bad things, so use it wisely and humbly"
Fernando MendesSigned: 17:28, 02/04/2011
Paula RodriguesSigned: 06:59, 31/03/2011
Pedro OliveiraSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement!!! xD "
Pedro MartinhoSigned: 15:43, 28/03/2011
Susana PontesSigned: 15:39, 28/03/2011
Isa Dora De Almeida Pena Ribeiro FerreiraSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
""Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." *~Abraham Lincoln link: "
luis fernando ferreiraSigned: 18:18, 27/03/2011
Isabel MoraisSigned: 21:13, 25/03/2011
vania slvaSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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