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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 833 signatories from Portugal

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Pedro MiguelSigned: 04:32, 22/11/2011
"Free economy now!!!"
Paula CristinaSigned: 10:23, 20/11/2011
Marta SofiaSigned: 22:44, 18/11/2011
Ricardo NevesSigned: 14:15, 18/11/2011
Ana AntonioSigned: 01:27, 18/11/2011
catia antonioSigned: 01:22, 18/11/2011
David SaiandaSigned: 22:34, 15/11/2011
José PedroSigned: 23:57, 14/11/2011
"Resource Bases Economy"
Isabel RodriguesSigned: 22:11, 12/11/2011
"Fim à exploração e escravidão"
Anita PitcockSigned: 18:43, 07/11/2011
"We have to try another way to all live in this world..we all have a right to..have a roof over our in our bellies... basic needs...and to live without fear and isolation..we need to remember that we should treat everyone the way that we would want to be treated. Greed is our downfall...doing the right thing by all is our only hope for happy.. healthy..peaceful future for us and our loved ones after us."
Tatiana SilvaSigned: 17:27, 04/11/2011
Luís AlmeidaSigned: 15:21, 04/11/2011
"O Mundo é uma colónia dos Banqueiros... Reina a Solidariedade entre Banqueiros... Os povos assistem impávidos e serenos aos crimes cometidos no mundo por Ordem dos Mesmos!!!"
Pedro PintoSigned: 10:04, 04/11/2011
Andre BárbaraSigned: 03:16, 04/11/2011
"Make this world a better place to live!!! Love to you all!!!!"
Gonçalo GasparSigned: 02:16, 04/11/2011
Joao CaldasSigned: 20:14, 03/11/2011
Ricardo PereiraSigned: 22:38, 02/11/2011
"This is just another fight for freedom, and like our ancestors did it with weapons to achiev it we shal use the best we have in our current days for it, KNOWLEDGE Peace out"
Rafael TeixeiraSigned: 11:04, 01/11/2011
"Sign it, or just let it die!"
vladimir vazSigned: 15:11, 22/10/2011
magda sofiaSigned: 12:02, 17/10/2011
Ricardo SousaSigned: 04:32, 16/10/2011
joana correiaSigned: 00:58, 16/10/2011
Cristina MeloSigned: 14:48, 15/10/2011
Nuno AlexandreSigned: 13:29, 15/10/2011
Silvio FerreiraSigned: 01:51, 15/10/2011
Ricardo PoeirasSigned: 12:55, 12/10/2011
Violeta Pinto LeiteSigned: 16:15, 11/10/2011
Joaquim LourençoSigned: 11:18, 11/10/2011
"I want to help on taking out this to general population. "
Ricardo OliveiraSigned: 01:59, 10/10/2011
Raul PessoaSigned: 15:53, 04/10/2011
"We are one planet! let's unite our efforts and make a better world for everyone! Do you know the zeitgeist movement? and the venus project? all these ideas are one and the same, we all should be working together effectively and actively. I am in!"
patricia lealSigned: 20:18, 03/10/2011
Rui Pedro MoreiraSigned: 16:23, 03/10/2011
Luís RochaSigned: 12:16, 03/10/2011
Frederico NascimentoSigned: 18:58, 02/10/2011
Michael VieiraSigned: 00:01, 30/09/2011
Tiago EstevãoSigned: 16:13, 27/09/2011
Ricardo SaltaSigned: 23:53, 19/09/2011
Carla AuroraSigned: 18:26, 19/09/2011
André LopesSigned: 17:09, 18/09/2011
mario rijoSigned: 16:41, 18/09/2011
Ricardo SilvaSigned: 12:42, 18/09/2011
Daniel Filipe MartinsSigned: 13:29, 10/09/2011
Luis SantosSigned: 14:22, 04/09/2011
Rafael RumaneiroSigned: 20:01, 30/08/2011
"Let´s destroy the monetary system.... money it´s nothing just a piece of paper or metal alloy.... it´s the resources of the planet that interest us.... resources based economy..... it is not so hard.... let´s wake up world....!!!!!!"
silvano stabileSigned: 13:43, 29/08/2011
Natacha MouraSigned: 00:49, 28/08/2011
"The Time is Now! =)"
Joana pinhoSigned: 21:35, 27/08/2011
Hath HoorSigned: 18:49, 27/08/2011
Rafael DuarteSigned: 14:30, 27/08/2011
"Nothing is ever going to change if we don't give it a try."
Hugo EstevesSigned: 13:40, 27/08/2011
"This page expresses what goes in my mind. Thank you for that!"

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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