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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Zobrazuji 8 podpisy z Barbados

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Darren WilliamsPodepsáno: 04:42, 21/02/2018
"It is imperative that humans reconnect with nature and their divine mother of creation; the earth which not only hosts our life, but ALL life. It's ironic to see that majority of humankind knows they're trying to survive, yet seem to forget that so are all other species and forms of life on this plane(t)."
Curtis GreavesPodepsáno: 20:55, 28/02/2015
Heather MorrisPodepsáno: 22:11, 02/03/2014
Dianna DriskellPodepsáno: 18:16, 13/08/2013
"Dream until your dreams come true."
C. Malcolm GrantPodepsáno: 12:48, 24/08/2012
"Best of luck.... "
Chan KinchiPodepsáno: 04:41, 07/06/2012
Andrew ToppinPodepsáno: 18:16, 07/03/2012
"Since I was a child of about 7 or 8 years old, I knew something was wrong with our world. I could not come to terms with the imbalances I instinctively knew were unnatural (Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness etc.). Whenever I spoke to colleagues, friends or family about the need for a fairer system where everyone's basic NEEDS were taken care of I would always get the "your crazy" look. Now in my 4th decade on this great planet and seeing the things I pondered on as a child being spoken about openly and confidently I can truly say "It's a wonderful time to be alive!" Let us begin to create a true "Civilization" here on Earth! Peace, Love & Enlightenment Andrew"
christy L'Angel-PreecePodepsáno: 00:11, 13/09/2011
"This has ALWAYS been my dream, to live free and happy loving, helping, supporting and serving all people, animals, plants, trees and mother earth herself! Instead of being a slave to money and this inhumane and unequal capitalist society! Let's get rid of all our Corrupt and Greedy Governments and UNITE as one human race with all the beauty in our Diversity, loving and honouring each and every 'Earthling' on this Magnificent Planet! So be it, and so it is! Blessings to one and all! Freedom and Love is our choice, let's choose it NOW!"

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