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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Chris WilkinsPodepsáno: 11:53, 24/03/2011
"As Humans we generally seek "meaning in life" or "a suitable distraction". The monetary system provides those lucky enough to play the game, with an addictive distraction that serves to encourage exponantial consumption. This system works so well due to the fact that the very people who the game is designed to benefit are those who are equipped to instigate change. There is a attitude amongst the middle class is "the world needs change" but like all corruption there is a bribe at every level. It's time for people to ask themselves what is their conscience worth. And when it "all goes back in the box" like any fad, fashion, or game our children may wonder how on earth we could have continued playing this game when we know of all the horrible side effects. So given that we are addicts how do we begin to quit"

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