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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Frances SeychellesPodepsáno: 19:28, 30/11/2014
"I have been thinking about a world with no money for a long time. Money is so evil. We don't need it. We don't spend enough time with our families. The press always advertise to make us think that we need to buy stuff. Its a viscous greedy circle and IM OVER IT!!! I wish the world could see what a world without would be like. Giving away with out any thought behind getting paid for it. No need for money i would LOVE to push this. Im actually starting to put together a movie about a world without money. Just to put it out there and start the thinking process off. This world has to change for the better. Because the way its going atm is heading towards a huge disaster for man kind. Good luck and thank you. I only wish i could have see this earlier. "

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