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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Brett AdamekPodepsáno: 12:36, 20/09/2014
"This charter describes the world I want to live in. It seems common practice to ridicule someone who believes in this kind of world. To call a person an idealist should be seen as a compliment. I for one believe that we are all connected, and the source of suffering is our disconnection from each other. Whether it be disconnection from the earth, each other, animals and plants. It is our misuse of our freedom of choice that is our downfall. The good news is that we also have the same ability to create a world that is fantastic. A world that shares it beauty and plentiful resources with every single person that inhabits it. We are now on an adventure of a species. "

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