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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Mark aka 'ALF' FILBYPodepsáno: 23:11, 13/01/2014
"I got arrested and put in a psych ward in 1996 for being, "out of touch with financial reality". I said we could have a world without money and wrote an economics paper called Quantum Economics. It is a transitional form of economics to an electronic cashless society, but it was designed to be non profit, as everything was channelled back into society! That intrusion by society got me arrested by the mental health services and locked up for 22 days as these lunatics assessed my mind. I was also euphoric! I had seen a better world for everyone! No wars, starvation, greed and corporate insanity eliminated. There will be many false profits! Just look at our world under this insane 'royal' system of SLAVERY. I am happy to forward Quantum economics to anyone who wants to tear it apart with their negative traditional, "the way it is" mentality of an atypical slave who never thinks, just obeys. WAKE UP PEOPLE. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH PLEASE."

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