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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Robert CicciarelliPodepsáno: 11:42, 01/05/2011
"We must act now before its too late. We must all take a step back and realise where the road we are currently on leads. Its leads to our Species destruction. Money will certianly become irrelevant once we destroy ourselves. I am often ashamed and heartbroken when I sit back and realise what we have done with our potential. We have the ability to shape our world like no other species before and instead on focusing on improving the state we all live in we have become obsessed with money and value it above our humanity and the common good of all man kind.. I could only imagine what the next dominate species that would come after our extinction would think of us if they knew our history, they would think " look at this moronic race which willingly lead themselves to extinction due to their short sightedness forever thinking that there was never enough to go around when infact their obsession to the valueless, artificial resource called money was the only limiting factor"

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