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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Whitney MurriePodepsáno: 03:25, 15/07/2012
"I would like to see what you think about what level should people be educated, how people would decide things like that? I'd also like to see what laws and lawmakers you propose? How will people decide how this society is run, do we still have politicians? How do we decide if those people are up to the job? How will you combat greed? Will you punish people? What level is the level of comfort? How will you control population? What about people doing jobs that aren't necessarily beneficial to society, but are beneficial to human knowledge? How will you determine what is good for society as a whole? Will there be democracy? Will people be able to express themselves freely? How will you determine who does what jobs? Also, I am not sure technology is the be all, end all to solve all of our problems... Though it is a start. "

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