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Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

Visualizzazione 1,207 firmatari da Bulgaria

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Velin PetevFirmato: 08:10, 21/06/2011
gabriela kazlachevaFirmato: 22:00, 20/06/2011
Radoslav RusinovFirmato: 11:04, 15/06/2011
"freedom for all, and food for all. "
Goran DzhambazovFirmato: 11:43, 07/06/2011
Tanq DimitrovaFirmato: 16:01, 05/06/2011
"This is very good idea, i think just like you :) I really hope this come true."
Georgi IvanovFirmato: 15:17, 05/06/2011
Velko IvanovFirmato: 10:28, 02/06/2011
Viktor GinevFirmato: 15:49, 24/05/2011
Victor ApostolovFirmato: 11:37, 20/05/2011
"I wish the very best luck to the Idea!"
Николай МилчевFirmato: 20:27, 11/05/2011
"John Lenon Imagine ..... The strengt is in numbers"
Ralica NikolovaFirmato: 11:40, 03/05/2011
Emanuil SpasovFirmato: 08:35, 03/05/2011
"You should band together with The Zeitgeist Movement and all others like you, but the idea is great. This is the only way. This is the only solution. Transcend ourselves or perish"
Vasil PachevFirmato: 10:51, 02/05/2011
Zlatko YordanovFirmato: 18:19, 30/04/2011
"It is funny how most people are too blind to see the real reason for all of their problems - the money"
Vladimir NinovFirmato: 07:41, 30/04/2011
Stela StoynovaFirmato: 00:34, 30/04/2011
Stoyan IvanovFirmato: 22:57, 29/04/2011
"I'm 34 and I hope to see a new world in my lifetime with help from people like you! Good luck to all of us"
Plamen TanchevFirmato: 22:29, 29/04/2011
"Its the only way to step forward to new society capable to colonize space. We are all brothers and sisters and its time to open our hearts and free our minds. IT IS TIME"
Anastas GiokovFirmato: 22:26, 29/04/2011
"Think how much time we spend on non-productive, money-related activites, i.e. banking, taxes and so on"
Alexander BorisovFirmato: 21:40, 29/04/2011
Александър ОвчаровFirmato: 09:52, 22/04/2011
"togrther with the TZM right"
Erwin ErtanFirmato: 08:50, 20/04/2011
Yanitsa DelevaFirmato: 07:54, 20/04/2011
Gabriela GrozevaFirmato: 21:00, 19/04/2011
Dilyana GeorgievaFirmato: 19:31, 19/04/2011
Joana IvanovaFirmato: 19:29, 19/04/2011
mishelle lefemaleFirmato: 19:28, 19/04/2011
joli joliFirmato: 19:24, 19/04/2011
Vivian HazaFirmato: 17:35, 19/04/2011
Alex NicolovFirmato: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Georgi PetrovFirmato: 22:07, 03/04/2011
Vera ChubarFirmato: 17:34, 03/04/2011
"I really do hope this is not only some utopical dream"
Anton AtanassovFirmato: 09:30, 03/04/2011
"I am so thrilled and over joyed as I find more and more people aspiring for a better world. And as I read and agreed with the principles a warm and fuzzy feeling grew inside as cheesy as it may sound it is the truth :). I want to share this feeling with all the people in the world. I want to tell them that every single one of them is beautiful, unique and worth loving. Thanks for the precise and concise charter. Have a nice life, Tony - The Zeitgeist Movement Bulgaira"
Galina IvanovaFirmato: 15:59, 02/04/2011
Ivelin IvanovFirmato: 15:58, 02/04/2011
Georgi MihovFirmato: 17:12, 30/03/2011
"Please, translate this page in many languages, that more people understand and sign. Thank You"
Violeta LazarovaFirmato: 17:19, 29/03/2011
Zoya LazarovaFirmato: 06:29, 29/03/2011
Angel AngelovFirmato: 23:08, 28/03/2011
"I really hope that this thing will be"
Lyubomir LazarovFirmato: 08:41, 25/03/2011
"Thank you very much for providing an opportunity for me to formally agree with these ideas and mainly the one of us never using the barter and market system ever again . I wish you the best of luck and I hope everyone with a computer signs it"
Boris LubimovFirmato: 08:30, 25/03/2011
"Nature is all about abundance, so let's make our world one with the nature"
Eleonora BarosovaFirmato: 05:19, 25/03/2011
Kristian MinkovFirmato: 22:23, 24/03/2011
"Thank you for this opportunity"
Julian MinkovFirmato: 20:19, 24/03/2011
Yordan ShterevFirmato: 18:33, 24/03/2011
Asen GenovskiFirmato: 18:32, 24/03/2011
Nevena StoikovaFirmato: 16:42, 24/03/2011
Georgi TodorovFirmato: 13:22, 24/03/2011

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