Diventa un sostenitore del mondo libero

Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

raul kannelaFirmato: 12:17, 21/07/2015
"hi. yeah i think if we can make world free no money then our life will be better than now. we have right now so lot of technics and then we not see the world around we cant see whats happend around us we are blinded by money and technics if they not exist then we see more around us we help and feel free i think so and i hope many people think same way! and nature will be much cleaner than now. so think again what will be your future it will be free or pain.."

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Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero 2024. Sentiti libero di usare qualsiasi contenuto di questo sito.. Contattaci

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