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Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

Niamh BrownFirmato: 08:20, 17/11/2013
"I am someone who has struggled with, and seen others close to me struggle with, point 9 for all my life. I have lived with chronic health conditions and had to be the breadwinner and care for members of my family who are too sick to work. I do not know how much longer I can go through cycles of burn out (when I over do it for too long) now that I cannot find work again once recovered. Until last year I had been able to go through these cycles every few years as my way of coping but if I cannot get back into the workplace I worry about those who depend on me as well as my own health. I think point 9 is often over looked in this world so thank you for including it in your charter :)"

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