Diventa un sostenitore del mondo libero

Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

Cécile DevroyeFirmato: 12:18, 23/01/2013
""We want happiness, we do no want suffering. Now we are actually creating more unnecessary suffering. That "one-million dollars" will not bring inner peace. This money bring more frustration… more suspicion….more anxiety… but people do not understand that." ―The Dalai Lama It is time for us to understand that our economic system does not work, what it does it concentrates wealth and it distributes poverty. There has to be a death as well as a rebirth. DARE TO CHANGE FOR THE CHANGE OF OUR WORLD (Dare4change on Facebook - posting for a New World). Let's all sign the CHARTER. Congratulations for your initiative! "

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