Diventa un sostenitore del mondo libero

Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

Niraj PanchalFirmato: 16:31, 06/12/2012
"It would be great if every person does work for each other, for example, instead of working as a Software professional each day for 8 hours, I could work 4 hours on the job, 2 hours to educate children, 2 more hours to help elder people with something, and this could be done thrice a week, so that I could also engage in social awareness the fourth day, help clean the environment the fifth day, help the old people the sixth day, and relax on the 7th day of the week. So, if the above mentioned system applies for each individual, then the employment can increase two-fold, as one person will work for 4 hours and another for next four, so each person will enjoy their share of contribution to their respective sectors (like Information Technology for me), and also engage in other social activities for the rest of the hours/days. The above system is an example, can be effectively modified."

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