Diventa un sostenitore del mondo libero

Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

adrien micheauxFirmato: 16:14, 21/11/2012
"If you want to make these kind of ideas reach the greater public, and to prove to them that this kind of system would work, like all scientific theories you have to test it out. The only way to really prove that it would work would be to start a community based on these principles. A community made out of willing participants in a dedicated area where the basic ressources (food, water) are produced entirely or largely by machines. Imagine this sort of community made out of 30-50 people, the cost of ressources and the whole project should be relatively low to the impact we could generate by showing the people of the world that there is a sustainable different and better way of living. Please respond to this i would love to be a part of this sort of project. My reasons for seeking a better world? I just want the human race to thrive and expand, prevent our own destruction and ensure a prosperous furture for the next generations to come."

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