Diventa un sostenitore del mondo libero

Lo Statuto Del Mondo Libero

"Rendiamo tutto libero e gratuito"

Paulette L'Huissier EscobarFirmato: 17:01, 20/04/2011
"Hi, Congratulations!. Sorry for my English, is very poor. it is necessary to translate to spanish to spread better this. If you use 100% cientific lenguaje, maybe creates a lots of emptysin the ways to solve the greats problems. And in the long run, the thought of the philosophy in the man creates connections between the scientific principles that create solutions. The Human needs one "soul-food" like arts and aesthetics expresions, it creates more "think-redes". Please, consider my advice. Maybe the principle have to talk to "fundamentalism" instead to use the name of this these forms of the thought and their registry"

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