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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 73 signatories from Tunisia

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Ahmed Nacef JemiaiSigned: 16:06, 04/03/2012
Souheil SlamaSigned: 23:08, 29/02/2012
"on vit dans un systeme qui est en train de mondialiser la pauvrete, cette charte permettra de mondialiser la solidarite."
khairy ben ghorbelSigned: 23:32, 28/02/2012
Omar DerbelSigned: 23:06, 28/02/2012
"juste : un monde parfait"
salah jmourSigned: 16:52, 26/02/2012
mehdi khodjet el khilSigned: 16:39, 26/02/2012
"L'ARGENT CRÉE L'ILLUSION (c'est le veau d'or d'aujourd'hui), c'est l'argent qui crée les inégalités, la famine et le chômage, l'inflation, la dette, la ribba (l'usure), la spéculation, supprime les libertés, limite notre imagination, réduit le champ du possible, contracte les réalisations, nous prive du progrès ..... Un monde libre est un monde sans argent"
jihene bosSigned: 06:32, 29/01/2012
"free us free the world !!"
Ingeborg PlescherSigned: 12:37, 22/01/2012
issa khreichiSigned: 16:17, 15/01/2012
"cela peut sembler utopique mais ce serait génial. "
Leila LILASigned: 18:52, 14/01/2012
"Sauver l'avenir de nos enfants..sauver la vie sur notre planète"
Linda BKSigned: 11:45, 12/01/2012
Midouni TaoufikSigned: 15:51, 06/01/2012
Halloul MohamedSigned: 19:59, 04/01/2012
"Sahring is Caring <3 "
Mohamed ABAYEDSigned: 16:59, 04/01/2012
Nidhal SelmiSigned: 23:36, 31/12/2011
Mahmoud HamdiSigned: 22:20, 31/12/2011
Mohamed Amine JebariSigned: 21:12, 31/12/2011
Ibrahim TalbiSigned: 17:52, 31/12/2011
"It's time to change !"
Ben Yahia AfifaSigned: 14:56, 18/10/2011
Sarah Beji Signed: 13:27, 03/10/2011
"It's Our World, let's make a Difference !"
Bahé YaichSigned: 13:15, 03/10/2011
" Humans are the only species that pay to live on the Earth."
Firas MaaroufiSigned: 22:26, 24/08/2011
"Thank you very much!"
Leila Ben AissaSigned: 11:48, 28/03/2011
"Let's make the world a better place"

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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