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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 60 signatories from Thailand

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alain stockerSigned: 10:11, 31/01/2024
"JE pour un monde non marchand un respect et de la bien vaillance pour tout le vivant, de tout l'univers."
JOHN BIDWELLSigned: 01:25, 16/06/2023
Alejandro Saiz RiveraSigned: 14:49, 15/01/2022
Veerasuda SriratanasomboonSigned: 06:38, 17/09/2020
Helene BaranyaiSigned: 09:19, 19/07/2019
Helene Lalita BaranyaiSigned: 10:38, 19/06/2019
"Namaskara ich freue mich auf unsere wundervolle gemeinsame zukunft auf unserer Mutter Erde om tat sat "
Daniel Mc LaughlinSigned: 06:29, 14/02/2019
Dennis HenrySigned: 08:16, 28/11/2018
"Who does the organising? Will it be tryanny free? "
Ole NorheimSigned: 07:37, 22/08/2018
Franklin CruzSigned: 05:21, 18/03/2018
Steffen HannemannSigned: 07:12, 08/03/2018
"Meine Zukunft Vision: 2030 ist das Jahr, wo wir global die Star Trek Gesellschaft umsetzen zuvor wurde bis 2025 das UBI global umgesetzt und damit Armut überwunden, in der Folge konnte jeder seine besonderen Begabungen fördern, wodurch die Menschheit ihr Wissen exorbitant vervielfachte. Man erkannte, dass man nur zusammen die Weltprobleme lösen konnte, was schon 2028 zur Weltvereinigung unter einer Roboter Weltregierung geführt hat. Das UBI wurde jedes Jahr an die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen angepasst und stieg stark an, bis Geld und Besitz sinnlos wurde, sich jeder das nehmen konnte was man benötigte - die Star Trek Gesellschaft das auf Geld und Mangel basierende System überwunden hat."
Satida ThipasathienSigned: 06:37, 02/11/2016
Brian Arthur SOLOMONSigned: 03:09, 23/07/2016
Deano millsSigned: 06:22, 04/01/2016
Erich SysakSigned: 07:27, 18/09/2015
David PuckeySigned: 01:59, 20/06/2015
Andrew Stuart InghamSigned: 10:11, 29/05/2015
Ron StephenSigned: 14:26, 05/02/2015
"This is a wonderful concept, and it might even work once it is established, but the implementation is logistically impractical if not impossible."
Justin Vaillant Signed: 07:58, 19/11/2014
Steven SteinSigned: 06:15, 24/09/2014
"I have been wishing and wondering, pushing to evolve past money for years.We are all just slaves to the banking industry and have no real life,just look around.Even the blind can see this is wrong! This is fantastic and feels natural. Im in, Where do I sign?!"
Jan GelderloosSigned: 03:58, 01/08/2014
"I AM a free citizen of Earth. Above I have entered Thailand as my current place of residence, since I am now volunteering there as an English teacher at an NGO. I am a citizen of the Netherlands, born in Amsterdam, but also have a US permanent residency (green) card, because I lived there for thirty years before taking on this volunteer gig. In my life I have traveled the world and immersed myself in the study of diverse cultures and lifestyles. One thing I know, is that all living beings have in common the desire to be happy and live a fruitful and productive life. One fact stands out, namely that selfishness, greed, the lust for money and power makes this world a place of suffering for many, while for the very elite few it results in decadency, perverted values and outrageous wealth at the expense of the oppressed, the hungry and the poor. If that is not enough reason to declare sovereignty for all in a world free of slavery, and free of money, then I wouldn't know what is! ONE LOVE"
Chanyut PhrukkumwongSigned: 16:16, 05/06/2014
Michael Werner GrausnickSigned: 02:54, 16/01/2014
"Dem kann man nur zustimmen. Leider werdeich (60 Jahre alt) die Verbesserung wohl nicht mehr erleben. "
Rene MayenzetSigned: 04:29, 15/01/2014
"Find ich super, weiter so und ich hoffe mit der Weitergabe der Website, etwas kleines beizusteuern. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einsatz für die schöne Welt ohne Geld."
Waewrawewong SangaSigned: 05:01, 15/07/2013
"Thanks for everything that will be free in the future."
Nicolas LanzaSigned: 08:02, 15/05/2013
"Excellent, lets set the wheels in motion to make this possible."
Jimmy HyndSigned: 14:53, 24/03/2013
kim-liên schintgenSigned: 15:16, 25/02/2013
REINHARD DIETHELMSigned: 21:04, 02/02/2013
"ich kann die nur unterschreiben reinhard diethelm"
roberta capriccioniSigned: 16:07, 23/11/2012
Silvio FalcinelliSigned: 02:55, 20/11/2012
yael camailSigned: 14:06, 08/11/2012
Nikita PapillonSigned: 10:16, 07/09/2012
michael kellySigned: 13:22, 09/07/2012
"I hope this message can be translated into as many languages as possible. "
robert gepfordSigned: 13:00, 07/07/2012
"much of this is how i have lived my life...of course with adaptations as needed to survive in the current system. but these are and have been my goals..."
ALAN JOHNSTONESigned: 11:39, 02/07/2012
""I have no country to fight for; my country is the Earth, and I am a citizen of the World." - Eugene V. Debs To contact a political organisation that has been struggling for one world for over a hundred years see here "
Manfred MietheSigned: 15:31, 01/07/2012
Privat SomalSigned: 21:33, 08/06/2012
bruno kusterSigned: 01:38, 08/06/2012
CJ HinkeSigned: 09:29, 09/05/2012
"Eliminating the military in every country is the crucial step to enable human freedom."
Luca SodduSigned: 19:45, 03/05/2012
jose Carlos Menendez GarciaSigned: 10:07, 21/03/2012
jhon DupontSigned: 19:37, 24/02/2012
Jared FranksSigned: 04:28, 24/02/2012
Phattharawan PrasresthasutSigned: 12:50, 23/02/2012
loic HALATRESigned: 11:41, 23/02/2012
"Deja commence avec ma famille..."
Vajira SubhasathiraSigned: 19:02, 16/02/2012
Frankie BishopSigned: 04:47, 10/02/2012
"- A World without money is very viable today, however, it does have inherent flaws. But, not as much as a World with money as like today. Eliminate money from the equation and the rest can be very easily resolved..."
Duquenne HerveSigned: 09:24, 04/01/2012
Rob GallSigned: 02:23, 03/12/2011
"Will common sense prevail??"

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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