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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 4,027 signatories from Canada

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David CardillSigned: 18:38, 03/02/2013
Vic JasinSigned: 01:59, 02/02/2013
Jackie KennedySigned: 16:28, 01/02/2013
"Beautiful charter. I commit :)"
Jennifer SalisburySigned: 04:41, 31/01/2013
"I believe this way of thinking started with the Aboriginal peoples of the world. Egalitarianism, if some countries had not endeavored to destroy this culture and their ways, our world would be a much different place today."
Debbie WaitkusSigned: 19:05, 30/01/2013
Jeffrey SmithSigned: 09:41, 29/01/2013
Margaret GosiaSigned: 02:23, 27/01/2013
"I am a Dreamer! I Dream Big! The Humanity needs to fully Wake Up to who We really Are: The One! I strongly believe that Each of Us has the Power to Co-create a better Environment for All Life on Gaia! I am not against anything, or anyone! I am for Joy, Peace, Happiness and Love on our Planet! My awareness is high and ethical! My knowledge is pure. As an educator, I have an extensive education and knowledge in areas of alternative health promotions, cure remedies, healing foods and healthy lifestyles. I am open to share my unique expertise and practical approaches with everyone who is open to an idea of Creating the Humanity as One. With full respect, equity and acceptance for all forms of Life on Gaia! I feel, this Charter has deep roots with our Inner Heart - the Source of our Existence, and our Creator! It is the Time! Light, Peace and Love on Gaia! Disclosure: No one has any rights to manipulate my words against me and others! "
Marisa BacchusSigned: 16:04, 26/01/2013
Ryan HarrisSigned: 16:01, 26/01/2013
"I hope to see Jacque Fresco's vision for our future become a reality where we live within the natural order of our planet without servitude, debt or money of any kind. thanks you spreading the word."
Ivo BeitsmaSigned: 01:55, 26/01/2013
Kathleen HendersonSigned: 13:46, 25/01/2013
"I look forward to humanity living well with each other, all other living creatures and our environment sooner rather than later. "
Enes YesilozSigned: 08:06, 25/01/2013
"All The best from Toronto , Canada"
Helen ButtsSigned: 03:16, 25/01/2013
"This should be the way it is, but people are greedy"
Isabella GrozdanovskiSigned: 01:53, 25/01/2013
"Wishing this can be a reality!"
Nick GrozdanovskiSigned: 01:48, 25/01/2013
"I would love to live in this world. What else can we do to make this a reality?"
Hamtar ButteringSigned: 01:40, 25/01/2013
"Thank you first step is imagination"
Deana ZachariasSigned: 00:39, 25/01/2013
Ryan BaillargeonSigned: 16:57, 24/01/2013
"If we can change the environment, we can change the people. Our environments as it is, are not that of which I want my children to base their principles on. Be it that we can't make change soon enough for them, it must be done for generations to come. It's the new millennium and it's time to move forward in the direction we should have a plethora of years ago instead of remaining stagnant while everything else around us diminishes and dies. Our children are grown to think money is life; the strongest, deepest root in the negative aspects of all societies based around it that we must de-root so we can plant a better system for everyone and everything to grow from."
Magdalena BresettSigned: 07:17, 24/01/2013
"This needs to happen.. before we destroy ourselves"
Jack KavanaghSigned: 23:37, 23/01/2013
yvon denisSigned: 17:48, 22/01/2013
"Une 'personne', n est qu'un titre (une illusion) accordé a un acteur. Rien de moins qu'une autre fraude commise pour manipuler l'homme (mâle ou femelle) comme l'argent. Aucun titre ne devrait recevoir de privilège ou on retomberas dans le piège du capitaliste sauvage (l’égoïste) "
Francine LafleurSigned: 22:27, 20/01/2013
Jaden TobinSigned: 07:42, 19/01/2013
"The free world charter sounds awesome a world without poverty corrupt society money is absolutely amazing plus the world can finally live in harmony and peace and equlaty SWEET "
Lurena Hay-MillerSigned: 19:00, 18/01/2013
Daniel FerlandSigned: 06:43, 17/01/2013
Judy AliceSigned: 04:40, 17/01/2013
Kathy PapineauSigned: 17:00, 16/01/2013
Niels KunzeSigned: 15:26, 16/01/2013
"Sustainable Abundance For Everyone-- the only SAFE solution!"
Josie WeirSigned: 03:40, 16/01/2013
"Power to the people"
Alex GirouxSigned: 03:22, 16/01/2013
"Belle initiative! Les films, les réseaux sociaux, c'est beau, mais la charte, et son adhésion, est un outil réel de comptabilisation de la progression de notre cause. Plusieurs personnes deviennent des habitués des pétitions par internet, on les rejoindra facilement avec la charte. Bravo!"
Kotarah OuimetSigned: 01:24, 16/01/2013
Mandy JohnsonSigned: 03:46, 15/01/2013
"I love this vision for humanity. Imagine the freedom for creativity and advancement when our time is freed up from worrying about survival. People from all country's and races developing their talents, pursuing interests, working together to advance the quality of life on our planet. I am dreaming the same dream with you, may we all work together to see it through."
Kiril KovalevSigned: 02:47, 15/01/2013
"Exactly what we need "
charles blairSigned: 02:08, 15/01/2013
"Stay tuned for my new project, that will help us effectively transition over from this world to the new world. Also additions.. 9. who are also unwilling, and or too lazy or disempowered mentally or otherwise to contribute."
Alan FriesenSigned: 00:11, 15/01/2013
Jarret MartynuikSigned: 23:27, 14/01/2013
"This is a very good thing. I've been in agreement to this type of life for the past couple years but most people I speak with do not understand. The problem with "no money" is that it must start at childhood education. Something must be developed in totality and then taught to our children so they can make this type of change possible. Also, by giving up money, we now have to put our trust in other people to feed us, cloth us and allow us to do the things we love to do, such as waste time, entertainment and travel. I would say that most people can not trust others to do this for them, and the people who have the power to distribute goods and services to the population will have too much power and most certainly become corrupt. Something must be done so corruption can not enter the system that is developed. Thanks."
Joseph CraigSigned: 22:35, 14/01/2013
MICHAEL REJESKYSigned: 21:06, 14/01/2013
Matthew ForthSigned: 19:53, 14/01/2013
Karlis HawkinsSigned: 18:54, 14/01/2013
Melody SomkutiSigned: 18:31, 14/01/2013
"Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. For years I've been hoping and praying for a future just like this and I do believe with enough hard work and spreading the word to all, it can finally happen. I will share this with everyone I know in hopes they understand and will pass it on and finally give people something worth "voting" for. "
Haywood FloydSigned: 18:30, 14/01/2013
Kim KellySigned: 18:16, 14/01/2013
Lisa KelleherSigned: 20:31, 11/01/2013
"If I could have elucidated my ethos, I would have written this exact text. As it is, my powers of eloquence are insignificant and cause me to value highly this textual representation. I'll be sharing... Thank you."
Chelsey KingSigned: 02:48, 11/01/2013
Elaina MoleskiSigned: 01:12, 11/01/2013
Bonita HarrisSigned: 00:48, 11/01/2013
Charmiane BurseySigned: 00:27, 11/01/2013
Patrick SnookSigned: 07:29, 10/01/2013
"Sadly, I doubt we would see these changes made in the near future, if at all. Though at the very least we can hope that people around the world see the logic in at least a few of the 10 principles and at least try to make changes accordingly. I don't see a full overhaul any time soon, small changes over time can still have a huge impact on the direction our world is currently going in."
Lise FournierSigned: 23:43, 09/01/2013
"If everything was free on hearth it would make a much better world... ! "

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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