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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 2,010 signatories from Brazil

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Aurea AbrantesSigned: 15:08, 23/03/2012
Rafael Fernandes Bezerra orangescorpianSigned: 16:39, 22/03/2012
"I agreed the porposition 8 in order to sign the charter, but not before making the following regard: I don't think scientific method alone can generate all knowledge for keep a sustainable civilization. It was already tryed, and look at what happened! Science by itself is dis-humanized and mechanifieing (as is even expressed at the ilustration of the proposition 8, with sprockets). It is very important that science be humanized (and I don't mean it must lose it's objectivity, but that it don't become a self-referent and self-servant entity), and walk along other kind of "knowledge-poietic" disciplines and practics, like Philosophy or meditation, always regarding the pertinence of their reflections for each other. Take Science as the star of the party is not good. "
Aicke LüdtkeSigned: 18:32, 20/03/2012
ELIS CAMARGOSigned: 13:05, 19/03/2012
Fabio QueirozSigned: 19:29, 18/03/2012
Matheus MintoSigned: 13:03, 18/03/2012
Julio BarrettoSigned: 01:10, 18/03/2012
Alexandor borges SouzaSigned: 20:22, 16/03/2012
juana juanasSigned: 14:53, 16/03/2012
Alexandre Patricio Signed: 14:12, 16/03/2012
"Go Go Go!!! come on to The Venus project"
Jonas FachiSigned: 11:57, 15/03/2012
Sabina Toscani CseriSigned: 00:25, 15/03/2012
Giordana MartinsSigned: 19:41, 14/03/2012
Jonas BertucciSigned: 18:38, 14/03/2012
Margarida Rosa de Santana MargaSigned: 18:08, 14/03/2012
maicon filipe silveira chaves maiconSigned: 17:01, 14/03/2012
Guilherme MoreiraSigned: 01:11, 14/03/2012
"This is the future becoming present. This is our part to do. This is the posible solution! I'm totally on it!!! "
Aline Pereira LineSigned: 00:11, 14/03/2012
F. H. LuizSigned: 22:14, 12/03/2012
Aleluia LUIASigned: 19:29, 12/03/2012
Karoline AlvesSigned: 17:08, 12/03/2012
Teles Maciel telesSigned: 20:52, 11/03/2012
ANGELA SILVASigned: 19:41, 11/03/2012
José Bezerra Neto Segundo J.B. SegundoSigned: 17:48, 11/03/2012
"Desde minha adolescencia, busquei uma lógica para esses atual sistema. Mas como ela simplesmente não existe, nunca e encontrei. Torço para esse novo sistema seja implantado o quanto antes."
Tassiana Guimarães Borges TeixeiraSigned: 00:30, 11/03/2012
Rosemary Oliveira roseSigned: 23:36, 10/03/2012
Louise TezzaSigned: 17:58, 09/03/2012
"I think this chart is fantastic. But, since we are thinking of a new world... I believe that the second one (In order to maintain this food-chain - and thus our biodiversity and survival), I'd like to remember that we already can live without killing animals and, perhaps in the long term, we might be able to live without killing plants... I mean, with all the technologies we have and all we will create next, who knows? "
Felipe Yanes FernandesSigned: 22:30, 08/03/2012
Milton LavorSigned: 01:56, 08/03/2012
"I believe and I want a free world to us!!!"
Alice Bianchi Pereira AliceSigned: 14:50, 07/03/2012
Tassiana RovaiSigned: 08:10, 07/03/2012
Matheus BulgarelliSigned: 01:18, 07/03/2012
ANDREA RIZZI CAFASSOSigned: 21:05, 06/03/2012
leon gregorioSigned: 20:30, 06/03/2012
"i find this ideas to be very true, but also unreachable i wold give anything to see that world comming to real live "
Wesley HenriqueSigned: 20:05, 06/03/2012
"I am in favor of a world without money, a free society because of slavery, in favor of human life from the infinite"
fagner da silva goncalvesSigned: 18:35, 06/03/2012
"gostaria de estar vivo quando essa transição acontecer :)"
Gencen AbelinoSigned: 18:32, 06/03/2012
Charles Alencar MabialaSigned: 18:24, 06/03/2012
Larissa Lima LarissaSigned: 18:24, 06/03/2012
Jon ZeitgeistSigned: 18:21, 06/03/2012
"Hello Dear, It's a great perception of a close future and a better life for we all. I'd love to invite you to read a document and a planned process to archieve these principes you have pointed. Many people have worked in that process and we hope it can help us. Please, read the follow google doc (and the links inside it):"
ALEX COSTA merlinSigned: 18:07, 06/03/2012
"Valorize as pessoas enquanto elas estão ao seu lado, até porque a saudade não será motivo suficiente para que elas voltem Há uma grande diferença entre "viver" e "existir". Exista, para que valha a pena viver. VIVER É BEM ESTAR COM O PLANETA ."
Jair Donadoni NetoSigned: 17:44, 06/03/2012
Joao Pedro NazarethSigned: 17:30, 06/03/2012
Raphael ChiamuleraSigned: 17:18, 06/03/2012
yael Diaz VargasSigned: 10:44, 06/03/2012
"Hola! Es mi sueño! trabajo hace mucho tiempo pensando de esa manera y parece que ahora se hace realidad! cuenta conmigo! Saludos"

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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