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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 775 signatories from Argentina

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Enrico BonettoSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"La igualdad, No es una utopia ( Equality's not utopic "
Verónica SolerSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"Gracias por pensar en todos "
Matias FogelSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
karina BarrereSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
dante costantiniSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Esteban AmayaSigned: 23:47, 03/05/2011
"Espero que se haga realidad, por el bien del futuro"
Federico RicardoSigned: 22:20, 03/05/2011
Juan DraultSigned: 23:59, 01/05/2011
"We urgently need a change of paradigm! we are working from with the same objectives. Thanks"
Gustavo SastreSigned: 22:39, 01/05/2011
Alejandro DanielSigned: 22:56, 30/04/2011
"I agree, It is time to mature. We can build a better world for all"
Agustin HultonSigned: 16:24, 30/04/2011
sebastian davidSigned: 04:23, 30/04/2011
luciano veraSigned: 00:52, 30/04/2011
guillermo germanSigned: 23:10, 29/04/2011
Gabriel ZifferSigned: 22:23, 29/04/2011
"Great Job! Peace"
Giorgina FerrareseSigned: 22:18, 29/04/2011
"Tengo fe y esperanzas que algún día esto pueda ser llevado a cabo. Gracias por su trabajo y por luchar !!! Desde aquí cuentan conmigo"
Fernando RussoSigned: 22:01, 29/04/2011
jose juanSigned: 21:43, 29/04/2011
alejandro kretschelSigned: 06:28, 29/04/2011
"Es el momento, gracias dios por permitirnos vivenciar el acontecimiento mas grande en la historia de la humanidad...el amanecer de su era dorada"
Daniel PiantanidaSigned: 15:54, 27/04/2011
Matias Ezequiel RejasSigned: 00:02, 27/04/2011
"buen trabajo (god job) sigan asi"
denton nahuelSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Rodrigo GarciaSigned: 01:00, 21/04/2011
vanina jesicaSigned: 18:59, 16/04/2011
marcelo filosaSigned: 17:20, 16/04/2011
"deberian tradusir esta paguina a mas idiomas , el mundo los escucha"
Matias Pipa Fernandez IgnacioSigned: 16:08, 16/04/2011
"el trabajo es una puta mierda"
Ken ScraggSigned: 18:34, 15/04/2011
"I am really from Scotland, but the list won't go down as far as UK... Pah!... However I am completely in agreement with the sentiments of this list, if not the fine details. We can afford to do better than merely basic, using this philosophy. We can take 7 star as a basic starting point to aim for, for ALL our citizens, and work up from there! Why not? It's the LEAST we deserve after what we've been through during our recorded history. I hope you agree. Ken. (Peacemaker"
Fxtronic ArgentinaSigned: 03:56, 15/04/2011
"Me parece una Idea genial ,seria exelente contar con esta web traducida al igual que el video y estos 10 simples Items :D abrazos"
Sofia OteroSigned: 03:39, 15/04/2011
Juan Angel FritzlerSigned: 02:56, 15/04/2011
leandro prattoSigned: 02:47, 15/04/2011
luciano seijoSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"translate this page to all languajes as possible "
esteban cattoniSigned: 20:39, 13/04/2011
Ivan Blascovich BlascovichSigned: 17:59, 13/04/2011
Manuel J.Signed: 14:32, 13/04/2011
Nicolás GonzalezSigned: 10:55, 13/04/2011
Jose AgustinSigned: 07:00, 13/04/2011
"i hope that everyone can read this and in a future not to distant we are all living by the ideas of this system than i'm pretty shure that can change or world"
Fabio PrimoSigned: 05:22, 13/04/2011
"excelente idea, apoyo totalmente el concepto, por favor den la posibilidad de traducir para poder llevar esto a todas las esferas sociales y teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones educativas, la posibilidad de traducirlo a los idiomas de habla mayoritaria haría mas fácil la difusión peace"
Pablo AlonsoSigned: 05:14, 13/04/2011
"Please let's make this dream a reality asap, is too hard for me keep resisting capitalism and strugling for survival each day earning the money just to cover basic needs (food, roof, clothes, transportation, etc) at the end of the month to be able to keep working to feed the damn cycle. Or as Kiyosaki calls it "the rat race". Thanks to all the people awakening! Best Regards, Pablo Alonso"
Matias DelgadoSigned: 02:47, 13/04/2011
Gonzalo LorenzoSigned: 01:34, 13/04/2011
"Lets change the world, now"
Guillermo De LucaSigned: 15:53, 12/04/2011
jose juanSigned: 19:33, 08/04/2011
"el proyecto de transicion de autosustentabilidad ... si ocurre algun estado de sitio o dictadura.. como ven uds la manera de sobrepasarlo? o como se moverian"
Daniel Andres PosterlaSigned: 04:10, 07/04/2011
"de acuerdo con todo"
Leandro AlmeidaSigned: 17:00, 06/04/2011
Jose AgustinSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"i hope that everyone can read this and in a future not to distant i hope we will be living by this system than i'm pretty shure that can change or world "
Alejandro FailoSigned: 17:36, 03/04/2011
Daniel AndresSigned: 05:46, 03/04/2011
"estoy de acuerdo con ustedes y aca estoy para ayudar en lo que pueda.saludos y espero que esto se buelva realidad"
Antonio JorgeSigned: 05:29, 03/04/2011
"I hope that every person in the world to read and to understand this Free World Charter, and sign it"

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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