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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Che SilkerSigned: 05:59, 29/02/2012
"I only agree that people that have real illness and unable to take care of them shelves should be helped. people who are just plain lazy need to do there bit. I live with to new world illnesses and yet still give back to society in many ways. Some people just take and take and never give back, we must all do our bit eg one person might be able to carry 50kg and someone else might only be able to carry 5kg, I have taken in people over the years that will sit in front of the fire but not go out to get any fire wood in, and then complain when the fire goes out. So yes everyone should be taken care of but everyone needs to what they can to help even if it's only a 5th of what some else can do. I had a friend who was dying of Cancer and right up to the end he did what he could for himself and hated asking for help to do what he couldn't do, on the other hand fit and healthy people has sat and watch me struggling to left some to heavy for me. So I don't agree with looking after those kind."

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