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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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Doris ProvencherUnterzeichnet: 15:20, 23/05/2014
"Un monde respectueux, juste, reconnaissant et aimant. Ce que j'aspire à vivre!"
Monique ChartrandUnterzeichnet: 22:51, 18/05/2014
Craig DendoffUnterzeichnet: 05:20, 17/05/2014
Choleena DiTullioUnterzeichnet: 01:54, 16/05/2014
"Yes, please! Thank you for writing this and seeing the world in this way."
rick smithUnterzeichnet: 18:02, 15/05/2014
"I believe also, that change is necessary. Money is what keeps people from attaining their own personal greatness. Money seems to blind people to the in-humanities dealt upon the common peoples all over the world. There is absolutely no other reason ten money, for starvation, homelessness, disease and so on. Every in-humanity dealt to the human race, can be traced back to profit. Removing value from the equation, makes life a whole lot clearer and allows people to focus on what is actually more important. Peace, love and harmony."
frank brollyUnterzeichnet: 22:03, 13/05/2014
"Please invoke global supply."
Douglas HuntUnterzeichnet: 13:47, 11/05/2014
dan hudmanUnterzeichnet: 03:26, 11/05/2014
Christian BougUnterzeichnet: 14:13, 10/05/2014
"Change the way we think, change the world."
Crystal GilesUnterzeichnet: 23:58, 09/05/2014
Helga BrendelUnterzeichnet: 16:59, 09/05/2014
"I have always felt that the ideas put forth in this charter are obtainable and sustainable... I have never done particularly well in present social consciousness because I could see the disparity and inequity even as a child. I believe in this concept that I am willing to do what ever I can to share and clarify this to others... Please let me know what else there is that I can do to promote global freedom."
Leah BrownUnterzeichnet: 03:19, 09/05/2014
"If I could sign 7 billion times..."
Farbod EbUnterzeichnet: 20:39, 08/05/2014
"Free World That What We All Need!"
Leslee BrownUnterzeichnet: 19:23, 07/05/2014
murray feistUnterzeichnet: 14:58, 07/05/2014
Joel DenisUnterzeichnet: 18:52, 06/05/2014
"Great work ! Congratulations !"
Rafi AllaouirdianUnterzeichnet: 14:05, 06/05/2014
"The money free world is a great idea on paper that can not be applied in reality. I use to believe in it whole wholeheartedly until I failed every attempt to it,started reading the bible and the Lord showing me what I was blinded to before. I will remain around and not unsubscribe to this site mainly because I still have at heart the idea and am open to new perspectives and learn from how this movement evolves. As a Christian, I can help all that are needy. I am a cobbler and if you need your shoe fixed and do not have any money, I will gladly do so free of charge or at cost. God bless you all p.s. I also offer free healing prayers to all. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and have been praying for many pains, injuries and sicknesses. Jesus still uses His children to heal and show His love to the world. "
mario cecereUnterzeichnet: 13:15, 06/05/2014
Elizabeth OgdenUnterzeichnet: 00:51, 06/05/2014
"This is an idea I have been trying to express for ages. Money is a concept - it's not real. Yet we are all bound by its rules. It never made any sense to me how a person could be denied a home, health care, a post-secondary education, or even food because of a lack of money. We waste food that is not purchased by the tons, letting things rot in grocery stores while someone who can't afford it needs it. Brilliant minds go to waste because they cannot pay a ridiculous tuition. People get sick and die because they cannot pay for simple treatments and medical procedures. It makes no sense! A free world does make sense. No dollars...just sense."
Michael García Unterzeichnet: 07:39, 03/05/2014
Sylvia TremblayUnterzeichnet: 23:43, 29/04/2014
Hugo Rondeau LefebvreUnterzeichnet: 15:57, 29/04/2014
Sam McgowanUnterzeichnet: 15:17, 29/04/2014
Daniel Camargo GutierrezUnterzeichnet: 06:38, 29/04/2014
"We need to get of money NOW. We need to EVOLVE as human species for the better of all and Earth, and so that we can begin exploring in space and beyond."
Sylvie LaflammeUnterzeichnet: 06:28, 29/04/2014
Arnaud Caron-DaneaultUnterzeichnet: 21:51, 28/04/2014
Yvan RiopelUnterzeichnet: 18:57, 28/04/2014
Maxime Lambert-BolducUnterzeichnet: 18:43, 28/04/2014
Noah LongUnterzeichnet: 05:02, 28/04/2014
"please get this done, too many are suffering <3"
Sylvain LapointeUnterzeichnet: 00:40, 28/04/2014
Franziska ReichherzerUnterzeichnet: 22:24, 27/04/2014
"Profound and complete change wanted. "
Myriam MasseUnterzeichnet: 15:09, 27/04/2014
Emmanuel ComteUnterzeichnet: 11:08, 27/04/2014
harpreet randheyUnterzeichnet: 06:57, 27/04/2014
"hello, I am in full agreement with this way of living, I've dreamed of ending poverty , inventing new and interesting gadgets. money is all I've been concerned about since leaving high school. why can't we all get along, wake up each morning with the freedom to do what you want(within reason, no murder etc. ) I don't see each other as Asian, African, Mexican, Indian or any other color I simply like the idea that were all human beings. I want to learn around my peers without the worry of college fees. Without money we as a planet could work in complete unity for the advancement of the human race, the exploration of space the answer to the very questions of life. What can I or we do to bring humanity together and prosper why deplete our recourses for the sole reason of money. with us the human race we may find other life forms but we never will if all everyone wants is paper with drawings on it. The cruel reality is we are slave to money and no one really know how to set us free. "
Mireille LégaréUnterzeichnet: 17:39, 26/04/2014
"Nous sommes tous Un. Il est plus que temps que le monde change et cesse de répéter les mêmes erreurs. La terre et ses ressources ne nous appartiennent pas, nous appartenons à la terre. Nous nous devons de la respecter et de vivre en paix et en harmonie avec toutes formes de vie qui l'habite. Namaste "
Andreas RobinsonUnterzeichnet: 22:59, 25/04/2014
Pierre BrunetUnterzeichnet: 13:11, 25/04/2014
"Please have a French speaking page as well...cheers."
Tanner AtkinsonUnterzeichnet: 06:05, 23/04/2014
"Better tomorrow, TODAY!"
Harald SeidlerUnterzeichnet: 12:05, 21/04/2014
Geoffrey FosterUnterzeichnet: 15:38, 18/04/2014
Alison BondUnterzeichnet: 01:01, 18/04/2014
phil LatreilleUnterzeichnet: 00:39, 18/04/2014
Abram LutesUnterzeichnet: 15:09, 17/04/2014
Ryan LunnUnterzeichnet: 20:39, 15/04/2014
Andrea PavlovicUnterzeichnet: 05:02, 15/04/2014
Ana MalobabicUnterzeichnet: 16:03, 11/04/2014
Blake DownUnterzeichnet: 20:24, 10/04/2014
joe brownUnterzeichnet: 17:11, 10/04/2014
Naijja Demers leblancUnterzeichnet: 14:15, 10/04/2014
"Si on se regroupe on peu changer la monde. Puravida movement sur facebook pour plus d info dans l avenir sur la construction d une communauté auto suffisante et indépendante de l argent. "
John ShieldsUnterzeichnet: 01:19, 10/04/2014
"Together we can change the world. Together we will. OneLove"

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