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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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Felipe LopezUnterzeichnet: 05:27, 16/01/2014
"Everyday these ideas become less utopic and more real. Real Freedom and civilization is yet to be achieved."
Sean LavenderUnterzeichnet: 05:26, 16/01/2014
"Thank you for writing this. At the very least, I'm sure it will help to spread awareness of the desparate times we are facing and the change needed to make this world functional in the future."
Jason BrownUnterzeichnet: 04:40, 16/01/2014
Jeremy EspaillardUnterzeichnet: 03:40, 16/01/2014
Paul JenkinsUnterzeichnet: 03:28, 16/01/2014
Peter WishinskiUnterzeichnet: 03:21, 16/01/2014
"Do no harm, cause no loss. "
Robert CrawfordUnterzeichnet: 03:08, 16/01/2014
Leonard DeBastienUnterzeichnet: 03:08, 16/01/2014
Joseph VautourUnterzeichnet: 03:06, 16/01/2014
"Thank You for thinking like me"
Perry BaskierUnterzeichnet: 03:00, 16/01/2014
"Not sure I like all the wording of this document but it is a start where it might go beets me, the people with all the power are rather invested in the status quoi"
Ted ThomasUnterzeichnet: 02:55, 16/01/2014
meghan kennedyUnterzeichnet: 02:47, 16/01/2014
Sandra GuntherUnterzeichnet: 02:16, 16/01/2014
Richard LeonardUnterzeichnet: 02:15, 16/01/2014
"It is clear to me the world is run by greedy, selfish people with no respect to natural life and fellow humans. We need to change the world."
Roxsane FoxUnterzeichnet: 19:56, 15/01/2014
"It is time to let go of fear. If my neighbor is not free, is struggling in some way, it does affect me. The media shows us the fallout of this reality every night at 6:00. Together we can make our world a happier place. I choose love and sustainability over fear and greed. Let's be midwives to a new world. Push towards a happier way of Being by signing the Charter. "
Lili B.Unterzeichnet: 10:48, 15/01/2014
Alyssa HolstockUnterzeichnet: 03:49, 15/01/2014
Shannon CunninghamUnterzeichnet: 23:14, 14/01/2014
jarred robinsonUnterzeichnet: 00:45, 13/01/2014
"The only ones who wouldn't want this are the ones who control us and benefit from our slavery, which is precisely what we are.. slaves."
Angela LaflecheUnterzeichnet: 03:03, 12/01/2014
"Peter Joseph has opened my eyes to a world that could give us all freedom."
Margaret KocsisUnterzeichnet: 15:57, 09/01/2014
Daryl AndrusiakUnterzeichnet: 05:19, 04/01/2014
Greg DoerksenUnterzeichnet: 19:42, 02/01/2014
Warren OlmsteadUnterzeichnet: 01:26, 31/12/2013
Guillaume PaquetUnterzeichnet: 04:17, 26/12/2013
Ryan SegalUnterzeichnet: 05:36, 24/12/2013
Alexandre RoyUnterzeichnet: 23:28, 23/12/2013
"That is all right...Fuck money"
alexandria kuoUnterzeichnet: 17:16, 17/12/2013
Alex Del Duca Unterzeichnet: 02:28, 16/12/2013
"Good luck with this movement. Those who believe will help it be heard. "
diane roseUnterzeichnet: 18:00, 14/12/2013
"I wish I could be around to see this happen. I heat the greed? "
Len HjelmelandUnterzeichnet: 10:16, 14/12/2013
"I cannot believe I finally found something like this . .after wishing and hoping for many years . . I wonder . .would the song 'Imagine' by John Lennon not make the perfect 'national anthem' of the 'Free World' ? I have long thought that 1 country called Earth, no borders . .. and only 1 religion . . Peace and love for all living beings, and respect for Mother Earth and the life blood she gives us, is the ONLY WAY! :-) "
Jonathan GardnerUnterzeichnet: 03:15, 14/12/2013
Mark BartlettUnterzeichnet: 19:20, 10/12/2013
Guy NadeauUnterzeichnet: 04:06, 10/12/2013
Sgirban PetruUnterzeichnet: 21:24, 09/12/2013
"Sound like a dream :)"
Robert FehrUnterzeichnet: 13:19, 09/12/2013
Mandi GeislerUnterzeichnet: 06:56, 08/12/2013
Georges Aimé GasserUnterzeichnet: 06:41, 08/12/2013
"Simplement merci! A très bientôt dans ce merveilleux monde d'amour sans condition....."
Mike DanielsUnterzeichnet: 02:02, 08/12/2013
"This is the dream I've been talking about for near a decade.. that to be totally honest I'm not sure I'll ever see in my lifetime, but here is me throwing my name down at the hope."
Nathan RobinsonUnterzeichnet: 01:17, 08/12/2013
"The most precious resources on this planet are love and human imagination. By exploiting these resources the standard of all life on this planet would be well beyond the limits of any that a New World Order could envision."
Karalee DrdulUnterzeichnet: 23:47, 07/12/2013
Edgardo Gonzalez Unterzeichnet: 21:26, 07/12/2013
Joelysa PankaneaUnterzeichnet: 17:08, 07/12/2013
Wanda HatfieldUnterzeichnet: 16:10, 07/12/2013
Micheal HoylandUnterzeichnet: 16:08, 07/12/2013
"We need these inacted. The old world is gone and outdated. Humanity demands justice and equality from no on."
Anne DreaverUnterzeichnet: 14:41, 03/12/2013
"Thank you for bringing this to the world's attention. The Earth and its creation (separate from homo sapiens) has its own rights and freedoms. This is addressed is some of the charter points raised here. Traditional indigenous philosophy has the full world view honed and practiced for thousands of years. This is the beginning of our salvation founded on love, respect, gratitude, humilty, selflessness and our deep and abiding recognition of the sanctity of all creation and our true duties as caretakers and custodians of this wonderful Earth mother. "
Anne FittererUnterzeichnet: 14:40, 03/12/2013
"Thank you for bringing this to the world's attention. The Earth and its creation (separate from homo sapiens) has its own rights and freedoms. This is addressed is some of the charter points raised here. Traditional indigenous philosophy has the full world view honed and practiced for thousands of years. This is the beginning of our salvation founded on love, respect, gratitude, humilty, selflessness and our deep and abiding recognition of the sanctity of all creation and our true duties as caretakers and custodians of this wonderful Earth mother. "
Shannon NewUnterzeichnet: 23:33, 02/12/2013
"The thought of our world living like this makes my soul feel at peace."
Lama MouneimneUnterzeichnet: 01:28, 01/12/2013
Jacob PinsonneaultUnterzeichnet: 01:10, 01/12/2013

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