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Die Freie Welt Charta

"Lasst uns alles frei und kostenlos machen"

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Carlton AmanUnterzeichnet: 14:18, 30/11/2013
"This is a very noble venture and I have no doubt that this is going to happen. "
Emily CookUnterzeichnet: 14:20, 29/11/2013
Terry BiddellUnterzeichnet: 09:48, 29/11/2013
zakiya startreeUnterzeichnet: 05:55, 27/11/2013
Sarah GaudetteUnterzeichnet: 04:46, 27/11/2013
Nathan PinsonneaultUnterzeichnet: 22:39, 26/11/2013
Justin PinsonneaultUnterzeichnet: 22:36, 26/11/2013
joshua blountUnterzeichnet: 16:03, 26/11/2013
Ozgen YildirimUnterzeichnet: 13:45, 25/11/2013
Arzu YildirimUnterzeichnet: 13:32, 25/11/2013
""If we will be compassionate enough to become empathic individuals, we will love the whole universe and beyond.""
Gaelle KhairallahUnterzeichnet: 10:53, 25/11/2013
Diana SturtUnterzeichnet: 21:59, 22/11/2013
roii (roy) anthonyUnterzeichnet: 11:26, 21/11/2013
"well done. im in. "
Byron HardieUnterzeichnet: 04:28, 19/11/2013
"This is exactly the guidance the world needs at this point in time. I fully support all of these principles."
Chris BrownUnterzeichnet: 16:41, 17/11/2013
Paul PinsonneaultUnterzeichnet: 14:55, 17/11/2013
David CUnterzeichnet: 21:31, 15/11/2013
"While I agree with the ten principles I do not consider them necessarily sufficient to the cause. #8 I find particularly problematic in that there are many elements of life essential to our collective well-being that that are not considered within the domain of science. Elements such as art/aesthetics and spiritual matters come to mind. I can also see where people could use the ten principles as they stand to advocate for endless extensions of life-support, enforced food regimes, anti-abortion, anti-conception measures, etc. In spite of possible short-comings of the principles and the implicit need for good will as a requisite condition for the success of such a charter, I am willing to sign now in solidarity with those on the planet who believe a civil transition to an entirely new basis of community sustainability is essential, imperative and possible."
Bradley KiddUnterzeichnet: 03:45, 15/11/2013
andrew cuthbertUnterzeichnet: 03:37, 15/11/2013
Neil SperlingUnterzeichnet: 13:23, 14/11/2013
"An Impossible Possibility"
Spencer newsonUnterzeichnet: 23:34, 13/11/2013
michael meszarosUnterzeichnet: 20:04, 13/11/2013
"supporting the venus project to make this recourse based economic model system's shift would be very beneficial....."
todd fletcherUnterzeichnet: 19:53, 10/11/2013
chico ponoUnterzeichnet: 18:32, 08/11/2013
Mark KennedyUnterzeichnet: 18:57, 05/11/2013
nathan pastulaUnterzeichnet: 06:46, 05/11/2013
Bradley PearceUnterzeichnet: 15:18, 01/11/2013
Denis NadarevicUnterzeichnet: 02:57, 01/11/2013
"I want to live in a world where we are all free. Each and every one of us express our own individuality and creativity. Money and politics are the world's problems."
Julian LeClaireUnterzeichnet: 03:01, 29/10/2013
"I want to help spread the word. Our world depends on this."
Gilles SauvéUnterzeichnet: 19:15, 28/10/2013
Caroll BittnerUnterzeichnet: 09:50, 28/10/2013
Maggie MohseniUnterzeichnet: 07:51, 28/10/2013
"I am tired of the current way of life and know that we need to change. Tired of Monsanto, hidden cures, over consumption, waste, animal cruelty, destruction of the planet, homelessness, sickness and hungry. I want a better life for my son and all future inhabitants."
GREG PRYCEUnterzeichnet: 01:02, 28/10/2013
"Most would be so much better without money wouldn't we? But how do we convince the bankers?"
Brittany PoissonUnterzeichnet: 04:46, 22/10/2013
gerald jr desforgesUnterzeichnet: 16:18, 20/10/2013
"I'm 38 years old and for the last 15 years I have been saying that for the human race to grow that we need to get rid of money. I truly believe that money is causeing us to fall behind were we could be. We all come from mother EARTH and everyone deserves to in joy all the wonders that she provides for us. None of us are better then the rest, yes some are better at things then others but others can be better at other things. It takes all of us to make things work! so instead of being greedy and thinking that some deserve more that others, lets all come together as ONE!"
Daniel TremblayUnterzeichnet: 19:04, 15/10/2013
Ian CraggUnterzeichnet: 14:21, 14/10/2013
luc marc grenierUnterzeichnet: 02:23, 14/10/2013
luc grenierUnterzeichnet: 02:21, 14/10/2013
"Dommage,sa vas etre difficile a faire accepter par tout le certain! Je ne pense pas voir cette société de mon vivant."
Frédéric DumouchelUnterzeichnet: 00:14, 14/10/2013
"That's the world I've been dreaming of :) !!"
Ugo Amorim Ugo AmorimUnterzeichnet: 18:05, 13/10/2013
William ToddUnterzeichnet: 08:23, 13/10/2013
Roz-Ana SolitaUnterzeichnet: 07:59, 13/10/2013
Andre SarrasinUnterzeichnet: 21:27, 12/10/2013
dave tremblayUnterzeichnet: 18:57, 12/10/2013
Olivier CôtéUnterzeichnet: 18:33, 12/10/2013
"The first step to realize this pattern of society organization is to reform educational approaches, transforming our worldview. That is the objective of my career oriented studies. I'm also making a radio program to talk about the principles of sustainable education that we need to apply in order to organize a civilized human society."
Chantal AdamsUnterzeichnet: 16:05, 11/10/2013
Erica LynnUnterzeichnet: 00:25, 06/10/2013
Erick LeblancUnterzeichnet: 18:03, 03/10/2013
Jonathan Lemay Unterzeichnet: 01:47, 30/09/2013

* Zu deiner Information, die Kommentare der Unterzeichner werden nicht verändert und stimmen möglicherweise nicht mit den Ansichten dieser Initiative überein

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