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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Patrick O'HarePodepsáno: 20:30, 19/11/2016
"Every day I get up and go to work, and every day I feel thoroughly frustrated and disappointed, because while I recognise that society as it functions now requires me to generate income, I believe the world could be a much better place. A world without money could remove the need to constantly think about oneself and start focusing on Humanity as a whole, giving rise to more compassion. Progress, now unhindered by any financial obstacle could advance at an incredibly fast rate. Ever since I was young, watching "Star Trek" I remember one episode where Jean-Luc picard states that Earth no longer uses money, and that society is built upon the common good of humanity. In that futuristic world, Humanity encompasses half of the galaxy, people have more time to focus on what they want to do, rather than what they are ordered to do, and there is a sense of peace and harmony. That should be our goal as the human race."

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