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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Christopher KleinPodepsáno: 11:47, 13/05/2015
"I completely agree with this charter and would wish I would not have to choose "Country" within several years anymore because there will be no more countries and no more power to a few and the focus on the difference but a will to move forward and set the individuals truly free on this planet. We could use our knowledge and our intellect to design a fair, warm and caring place for all of us. We could start to see that we are one planet, one family on one boat. I am 40 years by age now and hope to see this new chapter of our world."

Podepsat Chartu

Charta Svobodného Světa 2024. Bez obav můžete použít jakýkoli obsah z těchto stránek.. Kontaktujte nás

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