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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Guillermo Andrés Martínez BravoPodepsáno: 19:24, 08/09/2014
"This act is based in common sense and respect to all living forms, preserving so, their nature and their welfare, for so is flawless. Don't really understand what is the objective for it, as right now it merely helps as a reminder of the universal values of love, justice, understanding, truth and freedom (my top values by the way). We shouldn't take this like an invitation to start any tpe of rebellion, not now, because even do, to achive what you are proposing, civil war is the only way, we humanity don't have a lider to follow, someone that inspire knowledge and respect, someone we can trust. No everybody will follow this as the way to live, millions will choose anarchy, will become robbers, killers. Freedom is everyones right but not everyone deserves it. "

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