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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Tim EßerPodepsáno: 18:36, 17/08/2013
"hi!2;i agree the main statement of it,but the sentense""our" planet is the only place"we"have found it"(life)i dont accept!to share some wisdom/perspective/angle with ya,to inspirate,cause its possible to reach the truth from yourselfs within by inspiration!1wrong step of processing/perseption/awareness/cognition/sense the Universe/surrounding world is to categorise too fast or just close these"mindboxes"!division is not wrong,but stay conscious its only1limited/restricted part!from there 2 the truth;suppose/interpret that inspirations we get/got!so its a progress&as more inspirations/divisions/puzzleparts u/we/they get&handle,tendentially as more reaching the truth!&pls stop to universalize!1part of what is important to understand to get real free is that mind can be over matter!depends on what"human"belive&howintense&more,we create/manipulate the surounding fakesolit world via frequences!the language of heart/consciousness/matrix!Universe/God/Matrix is just the same!be positive!LOVEU"

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