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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Alexander DavidovPodepsáno: 14:36, 06/11/2012
"Hello, team of The Free World Charter! I have heard of you before, but it's today the moment I signed the charter, and I must say that it is very well defined and I agree with all ten principles. I am 21 years-old bulgarian boy with not much work and life experience, but I had the luck to grow up in a family that gave me "real" values. Althought my developpement, actions and dreams are limited by the money-based economy we are currently living in, I started realising things and I'm glad that I am not the only one who thinks, that there is and MUST BE a better way of assembling everything into a better, universal society. I believe that a new world is possible, but first A LOT of people must re-educate themselves because, sadly, they are simple-minded or too "in the box" thinkers. However, the hope dies last. I see that the charter is gaining followers and I hope some day it will cause a positive impact on the global mind. Keep up the good work and may The Force be with you :) "

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