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Charta Svobodného Světa

"Učiňme vše bezplatným a svobodným"

Gianluigi GiorgettiPodepsáno: 19:04, 02/05/2012
"We want you to know that we perfectly agree with your ideas. We are also trying to spread the moneyfree world idea through an experiment of collaborative artistic creation of a libertary world, hoping that guiding people to imagine it will help them to understanding it. it is absolutely the same than our world till 1497 when in Africa rose an enormous coalition of people joined by a set of cooperative rules (named the Rula) that blocked every colonization attempt. By now, in Africa (named Globa) there is the biggest libertary moneyfree empire never seen in the world and it is expanding through persuasion in the rest of the world. unfortunately by now it is only in italian language, but... here it is have a nice journey!"

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