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The Free World Charter

"Let's make everything free"

Displaying 10 signatories from Namibia

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Milton LouwSigned: 11:35, 23/02/2015
Samantha StrydomSigned: 13:46, 31/01/2014
Luciano LuigiSigned: 16:45, 06/10/2013
Elke CosburnSigned: 20:33, 21/07/2012
Christian BothaSigned: 08:57, 12/07/2012
"I think its about time."
Sandy le RouxSigned: 14:47, 20/03/2012
bruno željka bodon valjetićSigned: 07:56, 01/03/2012
"Nadamo se da ce ovo sto prije oziviti ,da svi zivimo u miru i skladu,bez briga i obaveza koji su nam nepotrebno nametnute."
Francois TheronSigned: 09:01, 20/02/2012
"Thank you, Ive lived to these morels all my life, its the 6th sense science still needs to define. May we change our home in my lifetime, and give our children the tools they need to maintain it. Space is as far as I'm concerned also home, as we live and exist in it.... Love, health, happiness and growth to all! Its only a choice, the rest you deal with wisely. "
Zelda LourensSigned: 15:58, 30/01/2012
Paulus PariSigned: 12:52, 17/05/2011

* Please note, signatory comments are unmoderated and may not accurately reflect the views of this initiative

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