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展示 12 簽署人來自 Ethiopia


Saba Nurye已簽署: 15:24, 21/12/2016
negus mulata已簽署: 03:54, 02/03/2016
"Gud ideas keep on."
Michael Teferawork已簽署: 22:02, 19/06/2015
kaleb gm已簽署: 12:06, 08/12/2014
"nice! how can i help?"
Daniel Tarekegn已簽署: 13:38, 01/08/2014
"Enjoy the ride "
Haftom Asmelash已簽署: 05:57, 14/02/2013
"I am so passionate about this!!!"
Solomon NoLimit已簽署: 22:51, 19/06/2012
christian holland已簽署: 22:31, 19/06/2012
"Who is working on updates ? How are we organized ? How can I help?"
Abiy Melaku已簽署: 23:40, 14/05/2012
Sami Hab已簽署: 07:24, 05/03/2012
"I defiantly support the Idea."
dewayne mclaughlin已簽署: 21:54, 17/01/2012
eliyas ka已簽署: 20:29, 30/11/2011

* 請注意,簽署意見並不受監管,且可能無法準確反映這項動議的意見


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