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展示 60,290 簽署人來自 所有國家

raymond lalande已簽署: 08:43, 25/12/2020
Lea Schäppi已簽署: 13:46, 23/12/2020
Timea Fahrni已簽署: 12:32, 23/12/2020
Jelena Keller已簽署: 11:52, 23/12/2020
erik carapia erik 已簽署: 09:48, 23/12/2020
"A nossa "humanidade começou errado! Mas acredito ser possível legar uma vida melhor aos nossos descendentes. "
helen zanini已簽署: 07:24, 23/12/2020
"A grande verdade foi dita ...destruímos o nosso planeta por ganancia e egoísmo ...não respeitamos nenhuma forma de vida ,nem a "humana"!"
Simon Tapsell已簽署: 12:37, 21/12/2020
Albert Kohler已簽署: 12:31, 21/12/2020
"I am 63 years young and for decades have wanted to see a movement like this. Humanitys survival is dependent on Embracing these principles."
Emiliano Esteban已簽署: 19:47, 20/12/2020
"Está información me parece súper valiosa, la estoy compartiendo con amigos y conocidos"
Philippe Saint-Araille已簽署: 03:51, 20/12/2020
"Puisse chaque instant t'être un présent!"
George Kazakidis已簽署: 16:15, 19/12/2020
Kate Kennedy已簽署: 07:31, 18/12/2020
Manuel Fernandes已簽署: 04:02, 18/12/2020
Stefanie Kietz已簽署: 06:04, 17/12/2020
Michael Maeß已簽署: 23:22, 16/12/2020
Bianca Janossy已簽署: 15:26, 16/12/2020
"The flood of barium and lithium planned through the EV industry is threatening to the uneducated opportunistic minors in the Congo if not regulated responsibly, as well as all life if not recycled responsibly from the beginning!"
Rosalba Ribeiro已簽署: 22:48, 15/12/2020
"Sim, eu quero assinar a carta, assisti o filme é me apaixonei!!!"
Michał Kowalski已簽署: 15:42, 15/12/2020
marie christine fontaine已簽署: 11:53, 15/12/2020
Lodney Nazaré已簽署: 09:21, 15/12/2020
Deepak Gunia已簽署: 16:38, 13/12/2020
Tamara Gruber- Kaiblinger已簽署: 13:26, 11/12/2020
"I believe in what you doing and made of. Thanks"
Elizabeth Faye Zorn已簽署: 23:21, 09/12/2020
"My heart's desire is to virtually see the END to human trafficking & all it's forms. Enough of the endless suffering from greed. #AskMeHowIno? #HaffaFukkinCentury. End of #HerStory."
Flávio Pereira 已簽署: 16:47, 09/12/2020
chay godfree已簽署: 12:04, 09/12/2020
Guilherme Aparecido Rodrigues de Araújo 已簽署: 11:14, 09/12/2020
James Lynch已簽署: 13:45, 08/12/2020
"The earth has suffered enormous abuse at the hands of the greedy. The poor, the hungry, and the sick are increasingly silenced and disempowered. The wealthiest are no longer satisfied with the most; their greed requires that they have it all and the rest have none. This is unprecedented in history at current proportions. More human suffering is inevitable. It is time for new priorities. A new way to live in harmony. It is time for the Free World Charter."
Tony Salv已簽署: 09:00, 07/12/2020
paolo terzi已簽署: 08:00, 06/12/2020
Eberharad Licht已簽署: 05:23, 06/12/2020
"We don’t need the law of market anymore! Adam Smith’s time is long gone. We now live in the era of space travel, global communication and abundance. Now we can decide for ourselves what is good for us. We just have to remove the money to turn off the market. "
Jagmohan Singh已簽署: 15:22, 05/12/2020
Carole Oneill已簽署: 05:34, 05/12/2020
Annette Barsby已簽署: 04:59, 05/12/2020
"I totally agree with every word"
Raelian Yue已簽署: 22:12, 04/12/2020
Ginger Manginelli已簽署: 18:43, 04/12/2020
Helen Bishop已簽署: 15:05, 03/12/2020
"I have always had a strong sense from a child thay money was wrong, I don't like the way it dictates our way of life."
Otis Trammell已簽署: 09:05, 03/12/2020
Alan Frost 已簽署: 08:56, 02/12/2020
Shirin Golshenas已簽署: 00:14, 02/12/2020
"I agree with a free earth full of joy, happiness, love and prosperity for all creatures on the planet. Towards a free, conscious and loving world.❤️??"
Roberto Coricciati 已簽署: 08:00, 01/12/2020
"Unterstütze ich mit Freuden und visualisiere die Manifestation dieser wundervollen Vision."
celeste mc crann已簽署: 04:41, 01/12/2020
Nick Toombs已簽署: 10:56, 29/11/2020
Jacob Doss已簽署: 09:58, 29/11/2020
Nathanael santiago已簽署: 05:24, 29/11/2020
Lauren Skvarla已簽署: 19:15, 28/11/2020
Alexandre Brito已簽署: 18:46, 27/11/2020
"Justo e Perfeito..."
Maria Azevedo已簽署: 06:54, 27/11/2020
Kolczyk Max已簽署: 04:22, 27/11/2020
"Eine Welt ohne Zwang sondern, aus eigenem antrieb, aus der liebe zu dem Leben auf der welt. Ist nicht die freude der andren nicht der schönste "Lohn" auf Erden? "
Maisa D Elia已簽署: 14:41, 26/11/2020

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