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展示 60,295 簽署人來自 所有國家

Grzegorz Bernas已簽署: 03:04, 12/01/2021
Munesh Singh已簽署: 02:14, 12/01/2021
Malcolm Houston已簽署: 01:40, 12/01/2021
Leigh Melanie 已簽署: 16:22, 11/01/2021
"Thanks very much for this."
PK Khota已簽署: 14:37, 11/01/2021
Aoife White已簽署: 13:11, 11/01/2021
Cameron Houston已簽署: 12:32, 11/01/2021
Alex Akal已簽署: 06:21, 11/01/2021
Lijana Pečavar已簽署: 03:51, 11/01/2021
Laura Aralla已簽署: 23:53, 10/01/2021
Michelle Green已簽署: 10:37, 09/01/2021
Des Dewing已簽署: 10:26, 09/01/2021
barbara laschzok已簽署: 09:56, 09/01/2021
"Let's be here for living a life in peace and harmony."
Sascha Kreiger已簽署: 01:38, 09/01/2021
"The business of business is social improvement."
Alicia Wofford已簽署: 10:47, 08/01/2021
John Doodeman已簽署: 01:03, 07/01/2021
Luigi Degetto已簽署: 14:22, 06/01/2021
Michael White已簽署: 14:11, 06/01/2021
Mark Rogers已簽署: 14:06, 06/01/2021
Ruth Lederer已簽署: 09:41, 05/01/2021
Jeannie Willets 已簽署: 01:40, 04/01/2021
Annette Piggott已簽署: 16:16, 02/01/2021
"This Charter honours all. With love in my heart I sign."
Ellen Buckingham已簽署: 09:22, 02/01/2021
Sara Sanchez已簽署: 05:39, 01/01/2021
denise ward已簽署: 13:49, 31/12/2020
"We can create a whole new world together today!"
John Breininger已簽署: 08:01, 31/12/2020
Daniel Paraschiv已簽署: 03:18, 31/12/2020
Kevin McKinney已簽署: 21:30, 30/12/2020
Jessica Barnes已簽署: 15:49, 30/12/2020
"Moneyless World = Perfect World "
Mark Bendon已簽署: 12:32, 30/12/2020
ANGELA Schubert已簽署: 23:18, 29/12/2020
Floyd Van Doren已簽署: 16:23, 29/12/2020
Michael Phelps已簽署: 13:42, 29/12/2020
Ken Scragg已簽署: 11:37, 29/12/2020
"I have been promoting the RBE since 2001 and would love to meet with the organisers. I have solutions."
Markus Dr. Ulrich已簽署: 11:06, 29/12/2020
Franz Weber已簽署: 10:32, 29/12/2020
"Ich danke den Ideengebern von FREIE WELT CHARTA für diese wunderbare Möglichkeit sich zu verbinden mit Gleichgesinnten "
Chris Sandoval已簽署: 20:47, 28/12/2020
John Hartley John Hartley McGee已簽署: 20:17, 28/12/2020
"The Venus Project would be an excellent foundation. "
Howard Stanley已簽署: 13:23, 28/12/2020
"De-commoditize everything related to the sustenance, advancement and maintenance of life. "
Christopher Bechhold已簽署: 11:09, 28/12/2020
Tasha Chang已簽署: 11:04, 28/12/2020
Mike Brunt已簽署: 09:08, 28/12/2020
"Imagine our World if these principles applied now. I would recommend your looking at the Earth Dollar project."
Mary Finnegan已簽署: 09:06, 28/12/2020
Kasper Boers已簽署: 09:03, 28/12/2020
Steven Harrison已簽署: 08:57, 28/12/2020
"These are also the basic principles of the Venus Project which I also support."
Gleb Sokolov已簽署: 08:06, 28/12/2020
Giuseppe Di Carlo已簽署: 07:23, 28/12/2020
Dan Atkinson已簽署: 07:22, 28/12/2020
"All laudable and necessary goals. But to achieve them we must universally apply scientific principles of global resource management, prioritizing public health and ecological sustainability via a Resource Based Economy free of all monetary trade."
Paul Bowen已簽署: 06:39, 28/12/2020
John Descy已簽署: 03:18, 28/12/2020

* 請注意,簽署意見並不受監管,且可能無法準確反映這項動議的意見


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