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Listina za Prost in Svoboden Svet

"Naredimo vse prosto"

Prikazani 4 podpisniki iz Vanuatu

  [Prikaži vse države]

George WilliamPodpisanih: 22:23, 17/12/2014
Ciro GarcíaPodpisanih: 19:22, 06/02/2012
Anthony CarlinoPodpisanih: 12:52, 30/04/2011
"this is a possibility, the only reasons why there are those that would doubt the possibility of this, is because they have become so accustomed to believing everything has to occur with an exchange of money, and many have the need for worthless toys in their lives, the best way to begin this is to first change the way people think"
dennis maroulesPodpisanih: 00:01, 11/04/2011
"these principles are the way we should have lived for hundreds of years..i totally agree and wish every human would join this movement"

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