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Mostrando 538 signatários de New Zealand

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Andrew MurphyAssinou: 12:17, 09/06/2011
Malcolm David AlleyAssinou: 11:02, 06/06/2011
"I take responsibility for my contribution to the building of a generation which is currently damaging our world. I would like to play my part to amend my contribution to this damage. I invite others to join me. I see the seriousness of our plight as akin to the Easter Islanders trying to survive in their own little world. We must unite and unite fast for time is running out .... so we cannot run along with parallel dreams... rather, we need to work together, and work quickly."
Tomas MarinAssinou: 10:19, 01/06/2011
"Love is the state of being one with all that it is, love is the state of being in which there is no thought and its exclusivity, love is the objective consciousness of the unitotality of the being, love is the ultimate truth of reality. We don't need money, money can't buy love... Lets make a better world "
andrea munitaAssinou: 09:51, 01/06/2011
Stephen RoughtonAssinou: 22:10, 25/05/2011
Mattthew PikeAssinou: 23:56, 18/05/2011
Grant ThomasAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
jesse cAssinou: 00:05, 11/05/2011
james ethanAssinou: 04:00, 10/05/2011
Theo NewtonAssinou: 10:27, 07/05/2011
heather garlandAssinou: 00:53, 07/05/2011
Johnny RenataAssinou: 13:24, 04/05/2011
Nick WilsonAssinou: 11:12, 01/05/2011
Bruce WestAssinou: 09:07, 01/05/2011
Regan GillAssinou: 05:23, 30/04/2011
Joshua HewittAssinou: 00:52, 30/04/2011
freddy churAssinou: 22:35, 29/04/2011
Stacy GordineAssinou: 23:49, 26/04/2011
Grant ThomasAssinou: 07:53, 25/04/2011
Claire BoylanAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
kurt caumetteAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
Grace McilroyAssinou: 23:29, 23/04/2011
"I have all the money I need but I still support the concept of a free society. I would give up my money of we could all live in a free and equal community. My question is: How do we get there"
Jacob WoodAssinou: 02:35, 15/04/2011
Harry Benson-ReaAssinou: 06:45, 14/04/2011
Ashna AnahataAssinou: 09:05, 10/04/2011
"lets do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"
matt revellAssinou: 03:19, 08/04/2011
Otis WilliamsAssinou: 06:43, 03/04/2011
Simon LyonsAssinou: 12:52, 17/05/2011
"power to the peaceful "
Brian MaxwellAssinou: 22:25, 27/03/2011
"Lets break free from this well expired monetary system"
Dean CrawfordAssinou: 09:34, 26/03/2011
Roger ChaplowAssinou: 15:46, 25/03/2011
thomas hobdayAssinou: 12:08, 25/03/2011
"definitely the direction we need to be heading in"
Vivienne HendersonAssinou: 20:58, 24/03/2011
Samuel GreerAssinou: 19:03, 24/03/2011
Cameron ElliotAssinou: 11:40, 24/03/2011
Elisabeth CooperAssinou: 11:21, 22/03/2011
Joseph SkudderAssinou: 12:10, 17/03/2011
John SmithAssinou: 11:32, 17/03/2011
" I want a Venus Project World - Please A.S.A.P"

* Por favor note, os comentários de signatários não são moderados e podem não reflectir com rigor as perspectivas desta iniciativa

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