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Mostrando 538 signatários de New Zealand

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Ute LambrechtAssinou: 06:55, 08/03/2012
Jason WakefieldAssinou: 09:25, 07/03/2012
Kataraina MateparaeAssinou: 08:53, 07/03/2012
Cillian WalkerAssinou: 00:38, 06/03/2012
patricia albarranAssinou: 20:26, 05/03/2012
Michelle OxenhamAssinou: 20:54, 04/03/2012
Che SilkerAssinou: 05:59, 29/02/2012
"I only agree that people that have real illness and unable to take care of them shelves should be helped. people who are just plain lazy need to do there bit. I live with to new world illnesses and yet still give back to society in many ways. Some people just take and take and never give back, we must all do our bit eg one person might be able to carry 50kg and someone else might only be able to carry 5kg, I have taken in people over the years that will sit in front of the fire but not go out to get any fire wood in, and then complain when the fire goes out. So yes everyone should be taken care of but everyone needs to what they can to help even if it's only a 5th of what some else can do. I had a friend who was dying of Cancer and right up to the end he did what he could for himself and hated asking for help to do what he couldn't do, on the other hand fit and healthy people has sat and watch me struggling to left some to heavy for me. So I don't agree with looking after those kind."
sonia forsmanAssinou: 03:50, 29/02/2012
Vicki HarrisonAssinou: 21:06, 26/02/2012
Makuini Ruth TaiAssinou: 19:29, 26/02/2012
"Absolutely fantastic"
Alexander WilkinsonAssinou: 02:26, 26/02/2012
"Humanity will need to adopt these sorts of values if it wants to survive through the 21st century and beyond."
Mervyn TaylorAssinou: 02:43, 24/02/2012
Robert GarrettAssinou: 10:05, 23/02/2012
Wiremu WinitanaAssinou: 07:35, 23/02/2012
"We are all one community. Every living thing on this biosphere is connected and humanity, unlike any other life-form on this planet, has a very unique chance to help maintain and protect it. Using the latest knowledge, attained through the scientific method, and the latest technology this is possible. Let's just get it sorted."
Benjamin BrosnanAssinou: 12:27, 20/02/2012
"Great charter, I agree wholeheartedly. We can be free if we chose to discard the system that enslaves us."
shelley gibbsAssinou: 01:02, 19/02/2012
Mickey MicroAssinou: 22:49, 14/02/2012
shaun waiarikiAssinou: 07:50, 14/02/2012
"The revolution is coming..."
Michelle BroadAssinou: 21:49, 11/02/2012
Nicky GuyAssinou: 03:47, 06/02/2012
Beau MooreAssinou: 07:30, 05/02/2012
Brad LivingstonAssinou: 06:07, 04/02/2012
"With these principals in mind, a true Utopia on this troubled planet of ours is a real probability."
Benji BerghanAssinou: 02:11, 04/02/2012
"It's great to see these ideas are gaining more and more influence in the world today, these are the changes we need and we need them now, lest we find ourselves wishing we had done something different while society collapses (further)."
David Paul Wharewera ParkerAssinou: 07:19, 01/02/2012
Dianna McleodAssinou: 06:05, 01/02/2012
TOM VIGOR-BROWNAssinou: 15:13, 29/01/2012
Devon PhippsAssinou: 03:05, 29/01/2012
Faye KildayAssinou: 22:58, 28/01/2012
Daniel BurgessAssinou: 10:11, 28/01/2012
Monique SonntagAssinou: 09:26, 28/01/2012
Gabi DickgiesserAssinou: 06:48, 28/01/2012
Manfred DickgiesserAssinou: 05:18, 28/01/2012
"A society that no longer recognizes that nature and human life have a sacred dimension, an Intrinsic value beyond monetary value, commits collective suicide. Such societies cannibalize themselves until they die. A system with is in competition with itself, is inherently an unsustainable system and cannot survive. Be the change, you like to see in the world"
peter keeganAssinou: 22:30, 27/01/2012
"I do enjoy the growing number of people waking up to the signs of going backwards development.What I also see is the lack of spiritual awakening,not everything has to or should be understood or explained in a scientific way. What was first the chicken or the egg? I don´t need to know we where given both..... "
Glen TimmsAssinou: 22:19, 27/01/2012
Laurence O'BrienAssinou: 04:51, 24/01/2012
Sholto LeeAssinou: 02:11, 23/01/2012
"how can you disagree with any of these things!"
David McQuillanAssinou: 04:34, 15/01/2012
Christopher NoaroAssinou: 23:58, 14/01/2012
Carl ScottAssinou: 19:42, 14/01/2012
Brett FallenAssinou: 06:56, 14/01/2012
"I hope it comes soon so we can all do and learn as we please."
Mark CookeAssinou: 03:10, 14/01/2012
Jonathan MontenatAssinou: 21:38, 13/01/2012
"This is the dream of many people, it would actually trigger a better world, you gave us hope, all the best in making that a reality. God Bless You"
Nathan RushtonAssinou: 12:46, 10/01/2012
"Sounds good to me."
Lee RapiraAssinou: 08:09, 03/01/2012
"I am not surprised that there is only 1o guidelines that can help us live together peacefully on this planet. It is probably the same amount of guidelines that we have for our under fives when they attend Preschool - one of the first things they learn is how to share and get along with one another. They are also taught that each person is special and unique. I am an advocate for living in harmony with our Earth and love every living thing on it so this concept works for me. Well done. "
Amir PatelAssinou: 10:12, 22/12/2011
Royal WakefieldAssinou: 01:10, 22/12/2011
"This needs to be done, period."
Dianne MooreAssinou: 09:14, 13/12/2011
Jason MiddlemissAssinou: 16:30, 12/12/2011
Arthur SavageAssinou: 04:50, 18/11/2011
"The US FEDERAL RESERVE BANK and its agents - cohorts fraudulant - fiction value - Fiat - Legal - Tender Monetary - Currancy Systems must go. Their own recent and continuing world wide as yet unpunished - unaccountable Banking -Wall Street crisis. The result of all too human unashamed fraud - greed and criminal conduct have surely disqualified their very existence now and into any future."
Matthew JenkinsAssinou: 07:40, 16/11/2011
"Beautiful. Keep the vision in focus."

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